Please grade my essay!!!

<p>Please grame essay out of a twelve and if it's not a bother include why you gave me your grade and what I can do to improve my score.</p>

<p>Thank You </p>

<p>Assignment: Is the world changing for better?</p>

<pre><code> The world is definetly changing for better. Though one may feel that there are many negatives, there are always more positives. It is physically impossible for one to foretell the events of the next second, but the work and dedication of many is promising. Two aspects that have changed the world from the way past generations and our ancestors had known it today are, technology by N.A.S.A and the increase in human value.

   Not too long ago, the planet Earth was thought to be flat and the idea of it being round was completly absurd. Many years later we are able to not only see amazingly descriptive photos of our planet, but of planets millions of miles away. Another shock that would have the people of past generations gasp would be at headlines when they said that a human being actually walked on the moon. Some of N.A.S.A's scientists are working on intriguing projects in which they have discovered a microship that can be implanted in the human brain. The knowledge of many books can actually be downloaded form this microchip to the human. Also, the person movements using the microchip may be controlled by a computer. The new technology that is being discovered everyday is outstanding.

   In the well-known time of the cave ages, it is said that women were draggad across floors by their head hair. Human value since than has increased to the level in which a woman might be the leading real-estate agent in a city, and have numerous male secrataries. Everyday it is becoming more and more clear to other that everyone is equal regardless of their language, culture, or any other aspect. 

    Everything improves over time. Maybe in the next generation flying cars will become commonplace. Maybe the whole world will be at peace, and everyone will forget acout small differences. We have being seeing improvements for years, no doubt there's still much more to come.


<p>This is a 10.
Try to fix these spelling errors like ‘‘microship’’ and ‘‘acout’’ .Secondly,your essay is supposed to be written in formal style.You cannot use ‘‘there`s’’ in formal style.It should be
‘‘there is’’ .
Good examples and well-formed thesis.</p>

Thank you</p>

<p>need the whole prompt if u have it</p>

<p>maybe a tighter thesis; the world is changing for the better cause tech advancement. </p>

<p>1st p is ok…but how is it benefiting society? </p>

<p>We see the transformative effects of the Space Economy all around us through numerous technologies and life-saving capabilities. We see the Space Economy in the lives saved when advanced breast cancer screening catches tumors in time for treatment, or when a heart defibrillator restores the proper rhythm of a patient’s heart….We see it when weather satellites warn us of coming hurricanes, or when satellites provide information critical to understanding our environment and the effects of climate change. We see it when we use an ATM or pay for gas at the pump with an immediate electronic response via satellite. Technologies developed for exploring space are being used to increase crop yields and to search for good fishing regions at sea.”</p>

<p>2nd/ what other tech stuff benefits society/ Internet is making it is easier to do stuff.</p>

<p>3//tech has helped to cure many diseases–people don’t die as much and they live longer.</p>

<p>conclusion, maybe says we have come along way.As a society we have…Like the explorer who is traveling to uncharted parts of the universe, humans still have a long way to go. New issues are popping up…Solutions have to be found for terrorism, disease and poverty.</p>