<p>Prompt: What motivates people to change? </p>
<p>Change has been a fundamental value of the world that has made us the way we are today. Change is also the reason we as a world have come so far. Change is something that doens't happen instantantly, rather it is a long process that happens one step at a time. (note: what else should I say?)</p>
<p>The scientific revolution is a great example of something that motivates people to change. Prior to the scientific revolution, for example, the Europeans believed that the earth was at the center of the universe. However, as Copernicus showed through scientific reasoning, this was not true. The universe was not geocentric contrary to popular belief, rather it was heliocentric. The reason he was motivated to show this change was because he wanted to show the truth to the European people. He wanted to further Western Civilization and enhance what they already knew. So therefore, it is understood that one of the key reasons people are motivated to change is to further his or her civilization. </p>
<p>The Russian revolution is yet another example of something that motivates people to change. During this revolution of 1919, the last Czar of Russia was overthrown and what replaced him became known as communism. Whether it was positive or negative it is clear that communism definitely effected the world. The reason communism was put into effect in Russia is simple. Communism brought a needed change to Russia for the Russian people. When the Czars of Russia were in power, in the beginning all was well. However, as the centuries passed by, the Czars became very power hungry and corrupt. This lead to utter chaos in Russia which was not received well by the Russian people. So this was the spark for change in the hearts of the Russian people. Since the people of Russia were not happy, this change had to occur in order to make the people happy. Therefore one can conclude that this is the reason communism came to be and it is yet another example of what motivates people to change. </p>
<p>The 2008 elections of the United States is the final example of what motivates people to change. Prior to these elections that occurred just 8 months back, President George W Bush had started out as a very popular president among the American people. However, over his eight years in office, his approval ratings continued to slip drastically. This once again shows that the people were unhappy with his decision and in order to fix this the people had to elect someone who would bring change to the United States. Realizing this, the now president Barrack Obama formulated an excellent campaign strategy in which he "campaigned for change". And because of his excellent campaigning, as well as the people's motivation for change, he was able to successfully defeat the Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain. </p>
<p>Through these three diverse examples one can see clearly what motivates people to change, and how it turns out to be. Change has always been a huge driving force in the world. From these examples we can see that without this change the world would most definitely not be where we are today. Thus all three of these examples provides us with a great sense of what motivates people to change. </p>
<p>So what would you give this essay?
I realize that my third body about the 08 elections may push some hot buttons but I tried to be as unbiased as I could be by just stating the facts. Did it work?</p>