Please help! Chances for Hotchkiss, Andover, Deerfield, Exeter!

<p>I know people on this thread can't give me a definite answer, but I'd just like to get some feedback.</p>

<p>Applying for Junior year to Andover, Exeter, Deerfield, and my first choice Hotchkiss
Applied to Andover and Hotchkiss last year and got waitlisted
I'm not planning on applying to other schools because my parents won't pay for it, they say that If their going to pay for tuition and living expenses, they want me to go to the best. Plus I need financial aid</p>

<p>4.5 weighted GPA, 3.9 unweighted
Freshman year classes
World History Honors
Spanish 3 Honors
Algebra 2 Honors
Biology Honors
English Honors</p>

<p>This year
Spanish IV Honors
AP US History
Trig/Precalc Honors
English II Honors
IB Chemistry</p>

<p>I'm taking a couple senior classes this year and will probably get straight A's towards the end of the semester</p>

Violin-10 years
Denver Young Artists Orchestra-3 years
Student Council-2 years, I was class president both years and treasurer
Special Education Assistance- 2 years, set up and directed a program called Buddy Up at our school to connect the students with the special ed kids and integrate them into the school society.
Broadcasting Club- President, finally got the school board to sign off on a grant after 1 and 1/2 years of pushing to get 70 TV's and tv channel to broadcast on
Directing and Screenwriting- 5 years, direct movies in my free time and have showings of them during after school activities.
Fundraising- organized an event to make $6000 for a boy with leukemia and his family to fulfill his wish to go to san diego, kind of like make-a-wish foundation, only school sized.</p>

<p>The interviews went extremely well, Hotchkiss especially.</p>

Vocab: 99%
Overall: 97%</p>

<p>After experiencing having to be waitlisted last year, I'm extremely cautious this year with my apps and everything. The thought of not getting into at least one of these schools after all this work disappoints me but that's what everyone is faced with here. Please tell me what you think! :)</p>

<p>looking good. once again, just nail the essays on the apps</p>

<p>just like he said, nail the essays^^^</p>

<p>woah. im impressed :slight_smile: essays^</p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>

<p>thanks…i guess i have to do really well on my essays!</p>

<p>Apply to St. Paul’s. They are need-blind. Hotchkiss isn’t.</p>

<p>i know but these are the four schools i’m applying to and even though hotchkiss isn’t need blind it’s still my favorite school. my mom says i can’t apply to more than four just cause it costs so much money to send the applications and stamp them and stuff</p>

<p>also, i’m korean american and will get good to great teacher recs</p>

<p>get fee waivers on the apps</p>

<p>i know i can do that but these are the schools i want to apply to anyways and i’ve already handed out my teacher recs, so i’m not applying to anymore schools</p>

<p>I am sorry, but you must prepare yourself to be rejected or given very little financial aid. There are very few spots at the top boarding schools for juniors, and the school will give priority in terms of doling out financial aid money to current students. I would apply to schools with huge endowments, such as St. Paul’s, Exeter and Groton (considered more academic than Hotchkiss by some people), and to a few just slightly below the Hotchkiss level, or I would make arrangements to stay at home.</p>

<p>yeah i know, i’ve felt the disappointment of rejection before and I’ve realized that the chances are very slim. however, i’m just not interested in any other schools and i made the decision a long time ago that the four schools that i’m applying to are the ones that i’m applying to period. if i get rejected by them, i won’t regret not applying to other schools because i just didn’t connect well with them</p>

<p>Andover, Exeter & Deerfield are great choices for junior year admissions because, as larger schools than St. Paul’s or Groton, they are more likely to have available space.</p>

<p>St. Pauls’ junior acceptance rate for this year was 4-5%. (5 accepted of like 120 applicants)
Exeter and Andover’s are both in the 17-20% range for ALL grades.</p>

<p>Exeter and Andover’s overall acceptance rates are between 17-20%, their acceptance rates for 11th grade are actually much lower.</p>

<p>Not according to both of my interviewers, at both schools. </p>

<p>I asked them straight out and they both said “the acceptance rate is between 17-20% across the board - regardless of what grade you apply to.” For Exeter is might have been 18-20%, but that’s irrelevant.</p>

<p>so how many kids apply for junior year at andover and exeter? i’ve heard various numbers like 120 to 300, does anybody know for sure?</p>

<p>I don’t know how many applied, but I have heard
Exeter:About 22 Juniors
Andover:About 15-20
Choate:About 5</p>

<p>But remember, a lot less people apply, so it may even out.</p>

<p>From the Andover web site:</p>



<p>But, no information on how many applicants. Some people have said the acceptance rate for 11th grade spots is about the same as overall, perhaps a bit lower.</p>

<p>I applied to St. Paul’s and and didn’t get in because of my needs. They seem need-blind because of their scholarship policy, but money still becomes a significant factor in the acceptance process.</p>