Please help m, I cant take calculas in high school

Not knowing the OPs school, there are many instances where doubling up as a sophomore is not an option because of school graduation requirements. Getting the parents involved is nit always the answer.

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FWIW, my Dā€™s HS allowed a handful of students to double up in math sophomore year and all of them ended up dropping the extra course after a few weeks. It was a lot of extra work in an already full schedule.

OP - there will be plenty of good college options for you even if you take calc for the first time in college. It really will be OK!

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All Iā€™m suggesting is that they could ask and seek other follow up options and based on the type of major it may be more important than not having it. Every school is different I agree and some schools the guidance counselors have limited role in the curriculum itself.

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My nephew went to an ivy league college for computer science. While he took AP Calculus AB in high school he worried that he would be way behind others who took at least AB Calculus BC in high school. He ended up in a Calculus class that had students who had ended in precalculus, calc 1 or 2 or AP Calc ab or bc. In the end they all found internships and jobs. Another option if allowed by your school would be dual enrollment. In 11th grade you could do say 1 semester of college algebra and 1 semester of statistics in 12th grade you could do 1 semester of precalculus and 1 semester of Calculus 1. At my local college you canā€™t skip precalculus if you want to take Calculus 1. Your school may not allow dual enrollment or it may cost too much but otherwise it might be an option.

You can also self study if your school wonā€™t let you do two classes at once. You can teach yourself Calculus AB and then take the AP test in the spring with the kids who took the class at your school.

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hello friends
thank you all for your reply and thank you all for helping me. I talked to my counselor and she said I can give a geometry test to skip geometry but I have to get 85%or better and I also have to get a good result on the act aspire test(required for freshman) to skip geometry and go straight to alg2/trg. Some may think that testing out of geometry is a bad idea but in my opinion, taking calculus is more important than taking geometry and I will self-study geometry. Once again thank you all and you guys are really smart so if I have more question I will ask you :+1: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I am one of them. Particularly if colleges turn away from test optional. But good luck.

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Maybe not skip it, but take over the summer!

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my counselor said that geometry is not offered for credit during summer.

I donā€™t think you should skip geometry. Can you take an online summer course after freshman year?

I will suggest again that you get an appointment to go with your parents and talk to your school counselor and the head of the math department on how exactly you can graduate with calculus. Let them come up with a solution.


What math did you complete before coming into this district? Were you perchance in an ā€œintegrated math 1-2-3ā€ district? What is your math background?
Have you studied any math with Khan Academy?
How do you plan on learning Geometry on your own, can someone tutor you?
I noticed that you used ā€œgiveā€ for a test, are you from an Indian family (because in India, students ā€œgiveā€ tests).
How are you doing in your current math class?
Your parents really need to go talk with your GC and ask what pathway the HS has for strong math students who want to major in STEM so they can take calculus in the 12th grade.

-I completed 7th-grade math before coming to the district and it was basically like introductory geometry where we had to learn about shapes and calculate the volumes, area, etc.
-I have studies not only math but science and other subjects
-I am from Nepal, which is in south Asia next to India.
-I will learn about geometry online and my siblings will also help me
-I am doing pretty well in my current math class (95%)
-I like your recommendation and I will talk to my parents
thank you for your suggestion :+1:

Good luck with everything. Glad we could help you in figuring out what to discuss with your counselor and formulate a plan foe your future!

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Start studying with Khan Academy Geometry today. Study every day with your older siblings to guide you, even 15mn a day will be good. You WANT to do really well on that test!
Itā€™s not at all like ā€œshapes, volumes, areasā€, itā€™s more like ā€œprove that this is a square, not a rectangleā€. Itā€™s a special type of math. :slight_smile: But the thinking behind it is essential to progress in math.
Continue doing A work in math, since itā€™s probably as important to your getting into Algebra2H as your test. Youā€™ll need your teacherā€™s support, surely, and can ask for their advice.

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omg I just realized this is a great idea. thank you :+1: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


you have to take alg 1 and then you can double up geo and alg 2

I can highly relate i am a junior now i finished elementary here went back to india for middle school and then came back for high school. my counselor has been really helpful. I would suggest double it up online. Its possible

Talk to your counselor: Many people in your situation double up on Geometry and Algebra 2 as they are not dependent on each other.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Is High school class the equivilant of what in College