Please help me determine my future.

<p>I live in New York. I really want to go to an IVY LEAGUE/Well Known/Really Good college. I wish to be a lawyer. I also go to a very small Catholic School.</p>

<p>Freshman year sucked for me I didn't care about school AT ALL. I failed one class, Global (even though its my fave subject) just because I didn't care. I ended up with a final GPA of 78 for freshman year. I met new friends at the end of the year and decided to change my life.</p>

<p>Sophomore year I really kicked it up and got HONOR ROLL FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE! I had an 88 the first quarter, 89 the second, 90 the third, and 93 the fourth. All High honor roll. I joined so many extracurricular activities: yearbook, student council, multicultural club, and the newspaper club. My gpa moved up to an 83.</p>

<p>I just finished junior year. I had a 95 average all 4 quarters. Won an award from my school, $500. My SAT score was horrendous! It was a 1450. Im retaking it senior year. I took an SAT II in US History and got a 680. Retaking for a 700 senior year as well. I took: AP United States History and AP English LANG: got high averages in them. My GPA should be maybe an 87 Im THINKING. Because I had an 85 mid year.
Im also really good in Spanish.... practically learned the language.</p>

<p>Next year im taking college level POLI-SCI, AP CALC, and AP English LIT. I plan to keep a high average and get my gpa up. Im ranked in the 30s or 40s out of 120 im not sure lol. </p>

<p>My DAD went to Harvard undergrad so I do have legacy, but idk if I can get in.</p>

<p>I am WILLING to go to a junior college to go to top schools.</p>

<p>My favorite college list:
Harvard University
Brown University
Baruch College
Georgetown University
Binghamton University
Geneseo University
University of Southern California
Iona College
Boston College
Boston University
New York University
MAYBE: Fordham University</p>

<p><em>Background Info: I failed every class I ever took in middle school. I really pulled everything together. Also my parents are African immigrants.</em></p>

<p>I have high hopes. If you don't think i'll get in, feel free to crush dreams, I have thick skin.</p>

<p>You wont get it…just playin. Honestly the upward trend is really good and you should be good for most of your schools there. I also had an issue freshman year but pulled it up. Only problem is the SAT but Im sure you know that. Get a review boom and some practice tests and go HAM! An hour and a half every day until October and you’ll be straight. 1900+ is what you should be aiming for for those schools, you can do it, Ive got some stuudying to do myself. Also try to get some leadership positions in those clubs overall its lookin pretty good, chance me back!</p>

<p>Yeah i’ve just been granted assistant editor of the school newspaper! Real Excited. I wish you the best you seem very intelligent!</p>

<p>You too brother, stay up!</p>