Please Help me I am soo confused [re: sending SAT score or TO]

I am an international student. I will be applying to UMiami for fall 2024 in ED.
I have an unweighted GPA of 3.85
class rank 1
My SAT score is 1350 M 790 RW 560
I am confused should I send my SAT score or apply sat optional ?

President 2 societies
Made a portofolio website
learning JS and Python
Active Volunteer in a ngo for 2 years
made a smart blind stick
Some Sports Participation
Organised an internship with a ngo

Look in the common data set for admitted students and if your SAT scores fall above the 50% most likely you send them. You can find it by looking up “common data set university of Miami”

Math score is great but RW is below what UMiami wants to see. I would suggest trying to retake the SAT and superscore (if they do that) or just taking the new score all together. If this is not an option, totally understandable, maybe go test optional? Definitely a tricky situation.

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I have to apply ini ED in Umiami
if i retake the SAT the result will be out after ED & EA deadline

In Olevels I have an A in Eng

so for maths its 55%
and eng 6%
total 61%

I am just guessing here…

Your overall SAT score is very close to at least what PrepScholar says is the average score for a student accepted to U.Miami. Your math score is very good. You English score is sort of in the middle. It is higher than the average for all students taking the SAT test, but lower than average for students getting into U.Miami who report scores.

To me, looking at your scores, I wonder if as an international student your English is pretty good, but either you are a bit more familiar with UK or Canadian English (which vary a bit from each other and from American English), or if your English is strong but not quite fully 100% fluent. At least in my experience international students (I once was one) will often improve in their familiarity with American English during their time studying in the US.

If you are going for a math-centric major such as computer science or any form of engineering, your high score in the math SAT is likely to be helpful. At a minimum this makes the point that your math preparation is very strong.

Also, U.Miami is test optional. This implies that students with a strong SAT scores will tend to report their scores, and students with lower SAT scores will tend to not report them. This in turn implies that the average score for those students who report their SAT scores is likely to be higher than for all students who attend U.Miami (including the ones who do not report their scores).

Putting this all together, and guessing a bit, if you are applying for a math-centric major I would be inclined to report your score.

But then you will probably never know whether this helped your application or not.

For class of 2026, U Miami mid 50% range for math was 660-750, EBRW 650-730. See section C of the CDS. 35% of matriculants submitted an SAT, 22% ACT

For class of 2027, all we have is the admitted student composite range of 1380-1500. Class Profile | Undergraduate Admissions | University of Miami

Based on these data, I would apply test optional, unless you have another way to prove English proficiency.

I assume English is your second language and/or your HS instruction is not in English? Do you have a Toefl, IELTs, or DuoLingo score to submit?

thanks alottt

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Medium of instruction in my HS is English as the board taught there there Cambrigde O & Alevel
and I have an A in English Language in Olevels
and a eng proficiency certificate

I would send it. The math score is stellar. They realize that your English is not going to be at the same level as a truly native speaker. They’re going to like your very high academic achievement, and your ability to pay full tuition. I think that they will take you.

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That makes me lean toward sending the score (not knowing much about your app, so I can’t really make an informed response.)

Looks like if you have attended an international HS with instruction in English for at least 3 years you don’t have to provide any other English proficiency tests for Miami. Different schools may have different rules though. English Proficiency Requirements | Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami

Make sure that your essays show a strong command of the English language.

Lastly, another option for you is to ask your Miami admissions officer (or email the general international admissions dept) for direction on whether to send your scores or not. Many AOs will provide this direction, but some don’t. Good luck.

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