Please help me

<p>Hello, I'm just really frustrated right now. I'm almost done with my junior year of HS, and there have been some depressive moments. Because of this, some of my friends have called the police/school counselors on me, sometimes making threats to me in order to figure out my home life. Overall, they have done nothing but made things worse for me, and my friends kept supporting their decisions.
Because of this, I developed alot of anxiety and trauma from what happened. </p>

<p>I don't know how much of that is empathizable, but I've been having alot of nervous breakdowns many times, which caused me to miss school for alot of days, giving me low grades right now, even though I predict all of my AP tests will be 5's.</p>

<p>Right now my father is threatening to kick me out of the house permanently drop out of school from California, and have me live with my mother, who lives in NYC (divorced). I'm very stressed and don't know what to do right now, because of the fact that many factors are in place here, such as college admissions, etc. </p>

<p>I guess I've scraped up some awards such as USAJMO Honorable mention, USAMO qualifier, both tests I've bombed in the past due to anxiety attacks. My goal is to just make MIT, Caltech, CMU, etc. and right now I don't know what to do. </p>

<p>I apologize if my writing is not clear/confusing as of the moment, I'm just under extreme stress right now.
Can someone please advise what to do in this situation? I could provide more details.</p>

<p>I really think you should try to talk to a counselor about these issues. Your HS will have resources for you, you are not alone. This is such a stressful time in your life and you have extra stress piled on top of everything else. They’re there to help you get through. </p>

<p>Focus on controlling what you can control and planning things out so you know what you’re going towards.</p>