Please help!!!!!!!

<p>ok so i want to be a fashion design major or a fashion illustration major these are the schools i have applied to
VCU School of arts (accepted)
Michigan State (accepted)
Mount Ida College (accepted)
Lasell College (accepted)
Marymount (accepted)
Southern Illinoise Universtiy Carbondale (accepted)
Cazenovia College (accepted)
University of Delaware (waiting)
Massart (waiting)
University of San Fransico (waiting)
SUNY buffalo (waiting) </p>

<p>plz help me haha can you tell me everything you can about any of these that would be so helpful</p>

<p>plzzzz help anything any minnor detail or your honest opinion of the school i would be really greatful</p>

<p>any compairing… like VCU vs. SCAD or Michigan vs. Delaware please help</p>

<p>Massarts fashion program is flying under the radar but it’s definitely a solid program. Kit from project runway season 4(5?) went there, and when I went to visit, the facilities looked pretty good. i would say massart’s fashion program is the strongest on your list.</p>

<p>Where you from/at/ want to be?
It so all over the place your list is.
What is your issue? money, no certain big city, no boys/girls of certain kind?
did you visit any of those?
What are your folks saying?</p>

<p>hey kid above, I don’t watch the show but is that the girl you say comes in garbs out of the world and make comments that’s equally outrageous?
I read an article about her, she is one tough cookie, do not be fooled.
willing to do hard manual labour + good looks + some talents + some luck > amazing talent + amazing luck + attitude
maybe some way, there is still some hope in mediocre artists.</p>

<p>i would agree with valtergeorge. massart is probably the best one on the list. but then, the individual matters more.</p>

<p>umm im from D.C idk where i want to go i don’t really have any issues with money or living in a big city, i just need help learning everything about the schools that i can’t learn from there websites :)</p>

<p>You are in the corridor!
pick and choose. I don’t know if MICA does fashion good, that’s the nearest.
Otis? that would be the farthest.
From what I know and see daily around town and here in CC land,</p>

<p>how is your score/ grades?
how much you want to be with girls who all thinks they are gonna be the Vera Wang or Jason Wu (wait, is that a girl?)
(Pasons = FIT) + some fancy BA from elsewhere before or after your fashion stint and maybe do ballet or skating on the side = form follows function. (your form: stance, how to dress, walk and talk)
How much do your folks got?
RISD=Parsons>>>> FIT</p>

<p>Then again, you are done applying and suppose asking for the opinion of the schools on your list…
Sorry, I have no idea…
Er, take ballet anyways. or figure skate, if you prefer.</p>