<p>So I was accepted to:
Tcnj $80,000
RUTGERS $80,000
nyu $100,000
columbia (likely letter)
barnard c
carnegie mellon
upenn: school of nursing
My question is this: Where on earth can I get $40,000 plus for barnard or georgetown? Scholarships will not cover it. It really hurts to know that I worked so hard for so long and it's finally paying off, but the only thing standing in the way is that big, green monster, FINANCE. Advice?</p>
<p>You have just run into the exact problem that has plagued American society for the last ~20 years. Myself included. Except I object to your calling it “green.” Green is a nice color*!!</p>
<p>Did you not qualify for need-based or merit aid? What are the dollar amounts you listed? If you didn’t fill out FAFSA this year, then can you fill it out next year at any of these colleges? Which one is your top choice?</p>
<p>*And also, it implies that one has money. And idk about you, but I don’t.</p>
<p>i filled out fafsa and my efc is about 43,000 so that’s what I have to come up with, the dollar amounts listed are the scholarships i was given at those institutions</p>
<p>i’m still debating between morningside heights and georgetown</p>
<p>Why don’t you wait for your financial aid package from Columbia before asking this question?</p>
<p>Yeah, some of those schools (NYU especially) are notorious for being stingy with aid in many cases. You should wait till you see how much money you get. You might be able to pull off some of them if you take on some massive debt, or you might have to start a junior college for a year to save money.</p>