<p>I'll start. Math II 800, Physics 740</p>
<p>780 Chem but 670 Lit. Damn.</p>
<p>Physics 780:)</p>
<p>Math II - 800
Literature - 790</p>
<p>According to my calculations my Math II raw score is 41 so I have no idea how I got an 800. As for English, I scored between 650 and 750 on all my practice tests except the last one which I scored 800 on. But my main test went really well so I was kind of expecting a 790/800. </p>
<p>I’m not exactly the strongest student in the world so needless to say, I’m thrilled.</p>
<p>710 for USH and Lit. I have no idea if these are considered good, but I took both cold, so there’s that.</p>
<p>USH seems really, really low. I think that I made a bubbling mistake, so I’ll see if that is true when the actual score reports come out.</p>
<p>I got 780 on both chem and math 2 and a 710 on lit, which I’m rather upset about. I used my four free score reports for four ivies haha…so how much do you think lit will hurt me? Are 780s on the other two okay to send to top schools?
the percentiles aren’t fabulous with any of my scores. lovely.</p>
<p>math ii- 800</p>
<p>didn’t expect that at all. i was sure that i missed five and omitted one. there was one i was pretty sure i missed, so that puts me at a 780 with a curve of 44. Guess the curve was lower or i didn’t miss that extra? idk im so happy tho :)</p>
<p>Math II- 800
Lit- 780</p>
<p>Well, of course I’m a bit sad that I didn’t get an 800 on Lit, but I didn’t study at all for it, and had a horrible mind blank at the beginning where I spent 10 minutes freaking out because I couldn’t understand the poetry. So I’m definitely very very happy with the score.</p>
<p>Math 2- 770
Chem- 680</p>
<p>how much will chem hurt me?</p>
<p>Math 2: 650
Chem: 690
Bio E: 770</p>
<p>I didn’t expect any of these… But I’m not complaining about bio.</p>
<p>US history - 800
I’m happy.</p>
<p>Bio M 800.</p>
<p>math 2 770 (didn’t study, gonna study and take it in dec), physics 800</p>
<p>Lit 750. I’m pretty satisfied with that score.</p>
<p>very disappointed with my 750 in math II, will be retaking next year after SATs</p>
<p>Mathematics Level 2: 800
<p>Math II: 800
Literature: 800</p>
<p>COMPLETELY surprised O.O I thought I missed so many on the math one, especially since I didn’t finish it. But hey, not gonna complain!</p>
<p>Chem - 800, kinda dissapointed, was hoping i would get 85/85 raw score.</p>
<p>literature 800</p>
<p>M2 - 730
PH - 640
USH - 650</p>
<p>I’m pretty happy with my scores, especially considering I never learned half of the material on the physics test XD I also took APUSH last semester, so I didn’t remember everything. I’m happy with math. I don’t have time to retake anything, and I don’t really want to :p</p>