<p>Asian female =(
660M, 660CR, 650W (1320/1970)
top 10% (7/~110)
4.0W GPA (3.5/3.6UW??)
Hoping to major in Econ...</p>
<p>Had some of the most rigorous schedules throughout high school.</p>
<p>Tennis 4 years (many many many hours dedicated, have won a few awards)
Band 4 years (again considerable amount of time dedicated)
Art Club and Key Club 2 years</p>
<p>80+ hours of community service</p>
<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Chem
AP Calc AB
Contemporary World Affairs
AP English
AP Physics
Honors Shakespeare II</p>
<p>Essays: well..my teacher said they were really well written haha.
held down a steady job in a pharmacy i work at least 20 hours a week now.</p>
<p>What would be my RD chances?
How much would my chances increase if I were to apply ED II?</p>