Please read my essay! and comment!

<p>so this is just the first essay for the common application, it is way too long, and i don't know how to shorten it. please make any cooment you wish, sorry for how long it is. thank you.</p>

<p>October 14th, 2008 begin just like any other school day. I got up at 6:30 am, went to school, sat through the six or so hours of dreadful, boring classes, and went to a football practice that could not end quickly enough. Finally, 6:00 pm rolls around and football practice was over. After practice, a bunch of teammates and I just sat in the locker room, all dead tired staring at the ceiling. Again this is all very normal. But then someone begins a conversation that will forever change my life, and this is how the conversation begun, “You know, it would be pretty cool to have something to cool off these drinks automatically (he points to his Gatorade bottle), you know like one of those liquid nitrogen things.” Now, to make a long story short, we spend the next 30 minutes arguing why liquid nitrogen would not work, because it will probably freeze more than the Gatorade, like your hand or even your body! But like all arguments, this one ends when someone gets up, and declares that he was “too tired and it was time to go home because this discussion is stupid.” So the argument was left at that… or was it?
When I got home that day, my creative and entrepreneur mind would not escape that argument about nitrogen, and so I sat down and begin thinking; it would be very cool and profitable to make a product that can cool off drinks automatically, why didn’t anyone think of this idea before? One thought led to another, and before I know it, I was up on Yahoo (yes, I use Yahoo, instead of Google not a big deal!) researching what could be used to make a product to instantly cool off beverages. I found a couple of chemical formulas, but upon further research, they were all part of a chemical reaction known as a endothermic reaction, which supposedly is a cycle where heat or energy is drained from a substance to make it cold. What if I make something that uses this endothermic reaction to cool off a beverage? This is a breakthrough! By coincidence, one week before this idea came to my mind; I had started a business club at my high school and had been bombarding my principal with ideas for a product to produce. Before this idea, the best ideas I got were selling pencils and gum and school shirts. And to much of my dismay, my principal shut every one of those ideas down. He told me he wanted me to “think big and not be afraid to take risks.” Well this idea will show him! There is no way he can shut this idea down!
The next morning, I marched into his office for the 15th time within the last three days (this is not an exaggeration) and I said, “I got an idea that you can never shut down!” and I told him all about my little idea. To be honest, he looked bored when I finally finished, and told me to go do some more research. I took his advice and made it even better. That night, I stayed up all night and wrote a sixteen page business plan for my little idea. I even included facts that Coca Cola alone manufacture as least one billion beverages per day! (If you think about it, that is a lot of beverages and land wastes!) The next day, I went to his office, again, and presented him with my “research”. Finally, he was impressed! He asked me what I would do next, and I told him “I honestly have no idea.” He suggested to me that I should start a company and see how far it would go. And so I begin a company because any challenge is too good to back down. I asked two close friends of mine to join me on my venture and we begin brainstorming. The first thing we did was to come up with a name for the company, we choose Squeez LLC.
We figured that it would be safe to get a patent first, so we came up with $500 of our own money, and with the help of a lawyer, filed our provisional patent on January 2nd, 2009. In our patent, we had drawings of what our product would look like, we also had descriptions on what we were patenting, one of which is “automatically cooling the beverage contained within a container, suing chemicals on the outside of the container.” I am not even sure if that is English, but hey, lawyers write stuff that no one can understand except other lawyers. Within a week of filing for our patent, we decided that the next step would be to hire a company to run through some data, and make the designs of our product. We begin calling design companies, in New York, Boston, Los Angeles, and just about every other design company across America. Now I live in Andover, Massachusetts, which is 30 minutes north of Boston, so it would be ideal to use the Boston companies. But as it turns out, one New York design firm by the name of SNS Design was $5,000 cheaper than the Boston firms, they also have worked with Fortune 500 companies, which is a huge plus. Now, even with that $5,000 discount the cost was still $10,000. That is a lot of money especially for 16 years old teens. To deal with the shortfall on cash, we begin researching ways to get funds for startup companies. We found out that there are venture capitalists, which are usually people or firms who were willing to fund startup companies in return for 20%-30% of the company stock. The next day we went back to the principal’s office, told him all that was going on, and also told him that we needed money. He told me that from that moment on, I was to use “we” when talking about the company, he also told me to go home, do some corrections on the business plan and he will see if he can connect us with a venture capitalist. I did as I was told, and gave him a new copy of the business plan the next day, and to this day, I always use “we” when talking about Squeez LLC.
About a week after giving the principal the new business plan, I get called down to the office. The principal wants to see me. I go into his office, and he looks me straight in the eye and said, “two weeks from today (February 5th, 2009), you have a meeting with Mr. Carmen Scarpa, who is a partner at Tudor Investments, one of the most successful venture capitalist firms in the country.” I was overjoyed; I shake the principal’s hand, said thank you, and proceed to call my two partners in Squeez LLC to share with them the good news.
Finally February 5th, 2009 rolls around, and my two partners and I are sitting in an office at 7 in the morning all dressed up in suits like professional. Now if we were adults, we would probably all be nerve wrecked, but since we were all teenagers, we weren’t at all nervous, in fact we were probably just the opposite of that. The meeting finally begins, and we showed him our drawings, our ideas, and what we liked about our product. We told him that this idea is the only of its kind in the market. He looked impressed, and asked us what we plan to do next, we told him that we wanted to get a real patent, get the design for the product, and then get a prototype of the product. He shocks our hands and told us that he would think it over and let us know if he was willing to invest in us.
Two weeks after the meeting, Mr. Scarpa called me and told me that he was willing to invest an initial amount of $20,000 in our idea. He said that we need to register our company with the State, and then open a business bank account at Bank of America. I said that we will do exactly that, because it is not every day that you get $20,000 to help start a company. After we opened the bank account, and after our registration with the State, we called up SNS Design and signed a contract with them in order for them to design our product. We told them what our specifications were, how much chemicals of what, and what materials we wanted to use. They begin working and within four weeks, they were done. We had diagrams, drawings, specifications; you name it, of our product. Then we ordered one prototype for $1,400. It took two weeks for the prototype to be made, but once it was, and we were able to see it, we were more than pleased. The prototype looked like a real product!
With the prototype in hand, we begin to make calls to local stores to see if we can get Squeez on the shelves at a local market. To our surprise, we got a much bigger market then just a local market. In fact, we got a meeting with the head of beverages at the 45th ranked super market in the “Top 75 North American Food Retailers” annual ranking; the super market was called DeMoulas/ Market Basket. On the day of that meeting, we brought the prototype and all the paperwork with us, and like the meeting with the venture capitalist, we had no butterflies in our stomach. The meeting with the head of beverages at Market Basket could be said as a success, but it also shows how far we were from the finish line. During the meeting, he showed great interest in our product, often asking us questions that showed he has interest. But he also said that he wanted to see a real done product in a packages bag, he also wanted us to do more research, perhaps hire a market researcher. He told us that he will talk to the President of Coca Cola North America (one of his friends for 25 years!) to see how they liked the idea. He also gave us his contact number and told us to contact him when the real product and all the market research had been done to reschedule a meeting.
After the meeting with Market Basket, we had a meeting with the venture capitalist. We told him our situation, and he told us that he was willing to fund us up to $100,000 to get the mass manufacturing steps started. After the meeting with the venture capitalist, we found a market researcher that could be hired to find data that will better help our company.
As I am writing this essay, Squeez LLC is in the process of making a deal with both Market Basket and Coca Cola (the President of Coca Cola like the idea!). We are hoping that the mass manufacturing could be started in June of 2010. We also hope to sign a deal sometime in late 2010 or early 2011. But, starting my own company has more to it than just making money, and signing deals. I have learned that age doesn’t matter as long as you are willing to work hard and prove yourself. I have learned that things aren’t hard as long as you follow through and have perspiration. I have more about my creativity and leadership skills, and its use in real life. I have learned about self confidence, and used Squeez LLC to win business awards such as the Alexander Hamilton Scholarship, the Junior Achievement Outstanding Young Business Person of the Year, as well as the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Teen Honorable Mention, to name a few. Most of all, I have had experiences that will remain with me for the rest of my life. Some of these experiences are founding your own company, getting $100,000+ in funding, getting a prototype, meeting with various leaders in business, and the honor to speak at the Boston Business Hall of Fame. No matter what happens to Squeez LLC in the end, (hopefully is gets sold for $1 billion!) I will forever be grateful for the diverse opportunities created by Squeez LLC. Through it, I have earned experiences that are more valuable than any amount of profit or money, experiences only a few are able to go through in their lifetimes.</p>

<p>To shrink your essay, refer to this:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
I liked it, but there were many unnecessary sentences that detract from the overall quality of the essay. I’d say focus on the actual process of designing and marketing the product instead of the awards, the praise you receive from others for your idea, and coming up with the idea itself (use the idea for Squeez LLC as a backdrop only). And don’t post your essay on forums (in your case, it won’t matter because I honestly know no one who did that).</p>

<p>The story behind your essay is amazing (I’m kind of jealous). However, the writing was bland. Like the poster above said, there is way too many unnecessary sentences, a lot of which dealt with your commentary. </p>

<p>A possible way to start the essay would be sort of backwards. So you’d begin with you stating that an idea of yours is in market research with Coca Cola and has 100,000 backed in it. You’d ensue to narrate how that actually came to be. This will draw the reader in, because if you stick with your current structure, your reader may eventually give up and skip over the most important parts.</p>

<p>Also, don’t specifically mention the awards you won. That will be listed under your awards section in your app.</p>

<p>This essay has a ton of potential. Good luck! (you probably won’t need it :P)</p>

<p>wow dude congrats on your company man! ah gives me hope of setting up my own :D</p>

<p>Agreed. Amazing story and some of your writing is good, but you have a lot unnecessary things in there. We don’t need every detail… (I’m sure this isn’t everything, but you get the idea). Cut out some of the content… maybe get rid of a few of the meeting… and then just make your writing more concise. A trick my english teacher swears by: ask yourself after each sentence, “is this purposeful?”. If what you are writing doesn’t have a true purpose in your essay and isn’t necessary to your point, do not use it. Only write what is necessary and try to write it in as few words as possible. Pack more into less. Also, have someone you know well and trust look over your essay, parts of your writing are immature… someone can help you identify these parts. I think if you read it over yourself, you will see too. You probably just got excited about your ideas when you were writing and kept going without thinking about how you were writing. It happens to all of us. :slight_smile: There are also QUITE of few grammar mistakes in there. A lot of tense issues… and some misuse of words. Look it over, I’m sure you will identify your issues.</p>

<p>My suggestion. Rewrite it. It will be very hard to revise and I think if you take the time to rewrite it, you can come up with an AMAZING essay. You already have the great topic, you just need to find work hard at making it shine on paper.</p>

<p>Good luck, (with both college admissions AND your company!!!). CONGRATS!</p>

<p>Dude that’s a great story. College admissions LOVE those kind of anecdotes.</p>

<p>I think it’s all good to go once you polish up those grammar mistakes (some of the sentences sounded awkward when read out loud) My only concern is the word limit - it’s over 2000 words! (I thought the max was 1000 words)</p>

<p>thank you everyone, i will definetly take into these considerations, any more advices? thank you.</p>

<p>yea agreed with everyone here… some of the details are superfluous, just get down to the nitty gritty and change some of the phrases so that the writing flows better, and that the impression that someone receives is more grandiose.</p>

<p>great topic…obviously! :slight_smile:
as for writing style, more concise as everyone already said and i think it would be better if u try to play it around and be creative in writing ur story…than going choronological… i really like the idea of the 2nd poster… beginning from the end and explaining how you got there…also the last part, where you listed down all the things you learned from this experience… ithink it would be better if you try to weave in all the lessons you learned throughout the story than just giving it right at the end…
try to have variety in your sentences and make the style creative and interesting… …hmm acutally, i would just write it the way you like… and express YOUR style…oh, there are grammatical errors and verb tense errors… look over them!
man, that was totally a great achievement!!! ;O
i’m sure you’ll get into anywhere you want… .good luck with college apps</p>

<p>found a spelling mistake
shook our hands not shocks our hands</p>

<p>generally a pretty good one.
this is a very intriguing event ,but you have made it somewhat less intriguing with too many details.<br>
now read your essay over like an outsider: who would interest in when you got up,how many bored hours you had, if you use Yahoo or Google,how many times exactly had you entered the principle’s office? there have been many problems like that.</p>

<p>besides, I think, for a common application essay, to write the whole process of your experience is too ambitious. you can well elaborate them in a novella. I advise you to write just a scene of the experience. for example, you can write the scene in which you stayed up all night writing the sixteen page plan. how did you feel when you wrote?what were your hopes of your future?what the bulb light seemed to you?how the darkness outside your house affected you?did you imagine how your principle will be impressed ? what was in your mind when outside the sun was just rising and you have finished writing?<br>
as vinnyli said, you should not focus on your awards or something alike. but focusing on the marketing processes I think is somewhat prosaic and esoteric. you can just tell the reader exactly how you felt(and feel) and what you though(and think). I can see clearly in the last paragraph that you are trying very hard to tell the reader you learnt exceedingly much from the experience.but,as I just said, a common application essay requires only hundreds of words. so you may focus on just one subject by depicting one scene.self confidence , dilligence, creativity…JUST ONE!!</p>