I waived my rights on the application, but my teacher let me read it anyways. I am worried it is not long enough/doesn’t describe me well. Please PM me to see it. Thanks for the help!
Well, what could you do even if it was?
The only thing would be to ask another teacher for a rec and submit that one instead, but what if you get another bad rec?
No, NO NO!
You waived your rights to see that. When your teacher misguidedly offered to let you see it, the response should have been “No, thanks. I’ve agreed not to see it.”
No! The teacher wrote the letter that she thought was relevant to you. If you don’t like the letter, then ask another teacher. Challenging the teacher or making suggestions for content is insulting, rude, and not in your best interests. Most letters are short, a few paragraphs, and provide an overview of your academic skills and some examples. Certainly some letters are special because of something unique.
Students compete on grades, classes, GPAs, ec and so on. Admissions people do not have time to read and rank letters. If the letter is supportive and there are no errors or concerns cited, move on.
The teacher showed the LOR to you as a courtesy. That does not give you the right to send the LOR to strangers on a blog site.