plural monoculturalism and multiculturalism, or why you should critique my essay

<p>Okay, last minute, but does anyone want to look at my common app essay? (I must have gone through 5 different candidates by now.)</p>

<p>It's a bit long (1280 words!) and highly scathing of a recent cultural trend (the substitution of multiculturalism by plural monoculturalism), but I am trying to make the bet that it will be interesting and engaging enough to any app reader.</p>

<p>ill read it!!!</p>

<p>Actually, so not to scare people, I miscounted: it's only 950 words. :D</p>

<p>galoisien's essay carried a dark, brooding tone of uber death and hatred. jk.</p>

<p>his essay is a must read - go take a look at it yourselves and see if you can relate to it. I'm a TCk myself and I can relate to it (grin)</p>

<p>you've got me interested.</p>

<p>hi galo did you forget me? i want to read it</p>

<p>pm me if you don't mind i'm a harsh editor</p>



<p>Have I already read yours?</p>

<p>You mean my MIT essay?</p>

<p>I took the idea and recrafted it drastically.</p>

<p>I've changed the last paragraph to sound more optimistic, so as not to make me sound so angry and moody. Basically, I added two exclamation marks: one to a sentence at the beginning of the last paragraph, and one at the end.</p>

<p>"Let there be true multiculturalism -- let there be uninhibited exchange, richer dialogue, deeper understanding!"</p>

<p>It sounds more exciting, doesn't it?</p>

<p>is there a reason youre not letting me read? you read my modest proposal and was a great help</p>

<p>Heh, I emailed you -- it's a bit too big to fit as a PM.</p>

<p>(SO THAT WAS THE PROBLEM, j'l'savais pas!)</p>

<p>i'd love to see it! sounds like you have quite the work.</p>

<p>i have an allen ginsberg-inspired essay for tufts you might want to see.</p>

<p>Registered right before the deadline?</p>

<p>Euh, I am a bit uncomfortable sending essays to new users. Of course, if I had other ways of verifying your person (e.g. a blog, etc.) or if you vehemently insist on your integrity (:D) I'd be glad to send it.</p>

<p>Could I get some feedback?</p>

<p>The essay is the only thing stopping me from clicking, "submit."</p>

<p>^ Ahhh, I feel your pain.</p>

<p>uh, do you still want someone else to read it? you can PM me.</p>