Point Park 2019 Musical Theatre Results

This forum is for all applicants who have received a decision from PPU- whether it’s being denied, deferred, waitlisted, or accepted into BA or BFA!

Isn’t there already a school thread at the top of the page?

Specifically for point park? @toowonderful‌

I don’t think that individual school results threads are allowed.

I would make a suggestion to have this moved to the Point Park forum.

I think it’s best that there aren’t individual school threads on the main board. There are WAY too many schools - I can’t imagine what the board would look like.

I think it should be allowed until the moderators can make the yellow dots show back up in the above school threads. JMHO

@bisouu‌ I actually submitted feedback on the site requesting that!

I’m with @bisouu. Trying to intuit when there might be new messages on the school-specific fora is time consuming and irksome. But my kid didn’t apply to Point Park…and this solution would isolate the Point Park discussion, removing it from the conversations I’m trying to follow. Seriously, given that anyone who is not interested in a thread simply doesn’t have to follow it, this might be a brilliant move for all schools the “general” 2019 journey thread is clogged and less useful than individual school threads might be. I’d love to just check the threads for four schools.

We cannot have threads on one specific school on the main MT Forum page. Such discussions, be it about results or any other topic, have to be sorted into the individual school forums. That is why this thread will be moved to the Point Park MT Forum.

I agree with those who are frustrated and disappointed that when CC moved to a new format, that the school specific MT forums became less active and usable due to no longer indicating with yellow dots when new posts appeared on those forums. As a moderator, I have periodically advocated to the administrators and tech staff for fixing this under the new tech system CC adopted. I explained to them why this is important. It was a lot of work to develop and create those forums many years ago and to sort existing school threads into these forums we set up. These MT school forums are no longer really utilized in the way they used to be and that is disappointing. Believe me, I would like this changed pronto. In fact, in the past week or two, I again advocated to the head honchos on this matter and they say they will work on it. I remind them from time to time. I cannot do any more than that.

Meanwhile, we don’t want to clutter the main forum for individual school threads. If someone wants to find out more about Point Park, they can choose to visit the Point Park MT forum here (listed at the top of this page). There they will find all threads, including this one, on Point Park.

Please do not discuss moderation on the forum. That is violation of CC’s Terms of Service. You can use the Report Post function if needed.

FYI @vocal1046 - you can “bookmark” a thread and it will notifiy you when new posts appear - that is what I did in each school I was following last year - within each school section - generally there is a “Acceptances?” or “Has anyone heard?” or some such thread - if you bookmark those - you’ll be notified whenever new posts are made on those threads… and when the final decision was made - I went back and unbookmarked those threads!

Scroll to the top of this thread - if you click the star next to the word “Bookmark” - it will turn orange - and this thread will now be one you follow. You can look at all your bookmarked threads by clicking the orange star way up at the top in the right corner of the screen.

I agree that adding back a more universal notification on the school threads would be preferable - but I found this a workable workaround last year.