Point Park class of 2020 Deferrals, Waitlist and Acceptances acting/musical theatre

Hey guys, I auditioned for point park in December and I heard that they would send out deferrals, holds etc. did they? Or do we wait until March 15? Anyway. Here you can post your experience with them, current or alumni are welcome to answer questions and talk about their experience, etc. also you can share your recent audition stories and stuff. Have fun!

From what I understand they’re not doing the earlier notification as in prior years. My daughter said everyone should hear in March.

D auditioned in Dec in Atlanta and it’s been crickets over here. She received her academic acceptance back in September.

Received academic acceptance as well and am audition this weekend in LA

Has anyone who auditioned in Atlanta in December heard anything? Just curious, especially since they didn’t get to do a dance call…

My D auditioned for both dance and mt. She has heard back that she was accepted bfa for dance, but she has not heard from mt. Think they are waiting till March.

Son auditioned for MT on campus in December and was told he would find out in March. He was accepted academically already.

I auditioned in Atlanta and I’ve heard nothing.

I got accepted academically in October when I applied to PPU, but haven’t heard anything since my audition in January at the NYC Unified Auditions. Best of luck to you!

I just looked up PPU’s School Calendar, and apparently, their break just started last Friday. So, we shouldn’t hear anything until next week, unless the office of admissions and theatre department are open and available to send out acceptances. Hope this helped!

Apparently PPU is on school break as of last Friday. They don’t get back until next Monday. Unless the MT department/Office of Admissions is open and available to send out acceptances this week, I doubt we’ll hear anything.

I auditioned in January at the NYC Unifieds and still haven’t heard anything. I know I was admitted academically, but I haven’t heard anything about my audition.

Best of luck!

PPU’s spring break is over and classes start back today.

PPU decisions usually reach everyone by March 15th.

I spoke with an admissions person today about something completely unrelated, but he offered up that artistic decisions were indeed going to start going out tomorrow. BAL!

Same @stagedoormama …called about portal but she confirmed tomorrow was the day. Email and portal.

Can someone point me to the portal? I’ve got the one for admissions that just says “Your application has been submitted,” is that the one? Or is there a different one for the artistic decision?

@mtmamma2020 @Tahuna
I know there are two portals. The admissions one and the pointweb one after academic acceptance…I don’t think either is going to indicate artistic decisions, right? Website promises an email “by March 15”.

On PointWeb, for us it says that the portal is only for academic decisions and artistic decisions will not be listed there…

someone needs to write a spoof musical called “The Portal” starring the parents who check them frequently. (me! )

@crc500 and @Tahuna, Talking Heads wrote a song about the Portal

"Don’t know why I want you like I do
All the tests that you put me through
Take my money, then you forget
I haven’t seen the worst of it yet
I wanna know that you’ll tell me
I’d love an email

Point me to the Portal, tell me I’m admitted
Point me to the Portal, tell me that you want me
Making me wait, making me wait"

Very clever. I do not have access to portals and my kiddo just found out you could get any info off of them but I appreciate the temptation to keep clicking like one does for emails.