Anyone know good policy debate camps for over the summer?
((2nd yr varsity w/ a pretty mediocre record))
Anyone know good policy debate camps for over the summer?
((2nd yr varsity w/ a pretty mediocre record))
@ultraviolet56 it’s hard to really determine the best deabte camp. The best link I have found to actually list them all is because it shows them all. Depending on your normal type of arguments (K vs Standard) the debate camp that will teach more towards that would be best (plus price range). The most prestigious debate camp would probably be Michigan for 7 weeks, but that gets extremely long. I might go to that one cause this will be my senior year. If this will be your junior year I would recommend going to MSDI because of the number of practice rounds (most camps work more on evidence production which doesn’t teach much) and theory they put out. This would be my second choice, but I have gone there so I’m biased. If you check the other thread about deabte camps they have a few links to other really good debte chaps like Miami, Ohio, and Northwestern. Hope this helped!
@ggquick Are shorter debate camps (1-2 weeks) worth investing in? Also, do you have any experience with online seminar camps?
if you’re looking for toc-level success, shorter debate camps aren’t worth your time, because they most consist of sophomores who aren’t really looking for national fame. online seminars aren’t worth the time either because by the end there’s like one or two people who are still participating.