What is the best debate camp?

<p>Which debate camp is the best? I am going to Umich Classic, is that good?</p>

<p>I went to Stanford National Forensic Institute, and it was fun and valuable. I'm not sure about the Umich Classic; I haven't heard anything about it.</p>

<p>Everyone will tell you about VBI being the best, but it's really only the best for the very progressive, national-circuit debater (I'm a more regional, traditional-style debater). Iowa is also very prestigious.</p>

<p>Fellows is a really small camp that (as far as I've heard) is more of an evidence factory than a camp, and only takes 10 (ish?) of the top debaters, all by invite.</p>

<p>After that, the "most prestigious" is U Mich 7-week. Northwestern, Michigan State, and Miami of Ohio are all good (4/5-week programs), and there are others around.</p>

<p>Tetragrammaton, What's VBI?</p>

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<p>Best Policy debate camps:
First tier:
Dartmouth Debate Institute(senior lab only)
Umich 7 week
Kentucky Fellows</p>

<p>second tier:
Umich classic
Northwestern(Z's, coon)
UT camps
Stanford(although there is one lab at stanford that is first tier for sure)
Miami Ohio
Capital Classic(DC)
Michigan State</p>

<p>You couldnt go wrong with any of the camps listed.</p>

<p>How about Umich "mndi"? (Michigan National Debate Institute)</p>

<p>We've had issues with DDI and Stanford lately, and this Capital Classic is one I haven't heard of. UT is pretty Kritikal, and the last person we had come out of there wasn't that hot (although that might reflect on him more than the camp).</p>

<p>MNDI is decent, but definitely not on level with Classic. MNDI -> Classic -> 7-Week for U Mich.</p>

<p>I should note that my observations only apply to Lincoln Douglas debate.</p>

<p>VBI is Victory Briefs Institute.</p>

<p>I was in the Advanced Seminar Lab at Stanford. My instructors were a Philosophy PHD candidate with significant debate and a debate coach with 15+ years of experience, both of whom worked together as Apple Valley coaches.</p>

<p>Ah. Well, my comments apply to Policy, if there's any confusion.</p>

<p>My D went to Emory, Northwestern and Gongzaga. She had always said Michigan State was supposed to be one of the best but she wanted to go where no one else from school had been. I think she liked Northwestern and Gonzaga the best. You'll get a lot out of whatever camp you go to, if you have a good leader. She always looked for the ones that had you debate the most rather than research the most.</p>

<p>The Maths debate camp. No question. <immature snigger=""></immature></p>

<p>It really depends on what type of debate you're doing. For LD, I know that VBI is really good (of course, pay attention to Tetragrammaton's information about how it is more geared towards national-circuit debaters). For novices, SNFI is great to give you an extra boost to stand out amongst your competitors, but my coach says to avoid paying too much attention to their teachings and just take advantage of the evidence they give you.</p>

<p>Anyone going to VBI Session II?</p>

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<p>Gongaza is good if you're a hormonally ladened teenager who needs a safe haven to do drugs.</p>

<p>Dartmouth Debate Institute</p>

<p>What about PFD? </p>

<p>I don’t have much… Just quarterfinalist in Asia-Pacific Forensics Competition, and … hoping to do better in a competition in China. </p>

<p>Is Dartmouth’s “junior” debate workshop no good?</p>

<p>And what is meant when people say “my D…”</p>

<p>Are there any debate camps for people who are beginners? I’ve never done debate before but I want to get some practice because I plan on joining my school’s Debate team next school year.</p>

<p>SNFI is good for beginners.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.snfi.org/06_req/snfi_2008_LD_brochure.pdf[/url]”>http://www.snfi.org/06_req/snfi_2008_LD_brochure.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Blah, I am forced to post meh list and have people critique it xD</p>

<p>for PFD and LD – which ones “must” I add, and which ones can I eliminate? (Note how I prefer to eliminate if you know it “sucks” for one reason or the other) </p>

<p>Dartmouth Debate Workshop for Sophomores and Juniors or DDI (which I probably can’t get in)June 18 to July 9, 2008.
[Dartmouth</a> Forensic Union - Dartmouth Debate Workshop](<a href=“http://debate.dartmouth.edu/Workshops/ddw.php]Dartmouth”>http://debate.dartmouth.edu/Workshops/ddw.php)</p>

<p>Michigan Classic Debate July 5 - Aug 8 2009/MNDI = June 21st – July 11th</p>

<p>[Error</a> Occurred While Processing Request](<a href=“http://www.michigandebate.com/instit...sicgeneral.cfm]Error”>http://www.michigandebate.com/instit...sicgeneral.cfm)</p>

<p>Stanford Debate Institute Late into Summer Aug 7 – 13 public forum</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.snfi.org/06_req/snfi_2008_LD_brochure.pdf[/url]”>http://www.snfi.org/06_req/snfi_2008_LD_brochure.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Kentucky Institute June 27 - July 11 – public forum.</p>

<p><a href=“Home | Office of The Provost”>Home | Office of The Provost;

<p>Northwestern –
[Northwestern</a> Debate Institute: NDT](<a href=“http://www.northwestern.edu/nhsi/debate/ndt.html]Northwestern”>http://www.northwestern.edu/nhsi/debate/ndt.html)</p>

<p>National Debate Forum – 6/27 – 7/11 OR 7/18 – 8/1
<a href=“http://www.nationaldebateforum.com/p...debate-at-ndf/[/url]”>http://www.nationaldebateforum.com/p...debate-at-ndf/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>WNDI 7/31 – 8/7 1 week PFD
[WNDI</a> DEBATE CAMP](<a href=“http://www.whitman.edu/rhetoric/camp/index.htm]WNDI”>http://www.whitman.edu/rhetoric/camp/index.htm)</p>

<p>Richmond – LD only
[University</a> of Richmond School of Arts & Sciences: Debate - High School Outreach / Summer Institute](<a href=“http://debate.richmond.edu/outreach/index.html]University”>http://debate.richmond.edu/outreach/index.html)</p>


<p>I have a feeling UNLV is for policy only? true / false?
<a href=“http://www.unlv.edu/orgs/debate/inst...rsprogram.html[/url]”>http://www.unlv.edu/orgs/debate/inst...rsprogram.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Zarefsky Scholars July 13 - Aug 9 – I think this isn’t offered anymore for 2009? true / false
<a href=“http://www.championshipdebategroup.o…BF379C57F30FA2%5B/url%5D”>http://www.championshipdebategroup.o…BF379C57F30FA2</a></p>

<p>Also, are there any camps that are well-known for its LD (or PFD, but I don’t think that’s the case ^^) that focuses more on practice debates?</p>

<p>THANK YOU!</p>