political/religious affiliations

I was wondering what everyone's political, religious affiliations are and how you guys think they will fit in at dartmouth.
For me,
Religious: sufi
political: i take it issue by issue, but i lean left.</p>

<p>Check the Office of Religious Life
<a href="http://www.dartmouth.edu/%7Etucker/rsl/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.dartmouth.edu/~tucker/rsl/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>There are lots of different groups on campus, but by an large the community is accepting/tolerant of other religions. I'd say the general tenor of the campus though is agnostic/apathetic towards religion, at least outwardly.</p>

<p>Most people here are democratic/left with a libertarian bend. We have publications and political groups that espose a wide variety of opinions: Republican, Green, Libertatian, Democratic, etc. </p>

<p>You will fit in, trust me... as long as you are tolerant of others.</p>

<p>Thanks so much, Drownindreams (great screen name).</p>

<p>To everyone else, come on....</p>

<p>where are you,

<p>yeah i'm interested too (though I have no intention of applying to dart, I'll answer the first 2)</p>

<p>1.very liberal, but will lean conservative on a few issues
2.Baptist Christian</p>

<p>"I'd say the general tenor of the campus though is agnostic/apathetic towards religion, at least outwardly"</p>

<p>I couldn't be anymore happy to hear that. As if Darthouth wasn't my my dream school already...I can't wait to apply next year.</p>

<p>I am a democrat and not religious (leaning towards agnostic) so this is all good information.</p>

<p>I'm merely a hopeful, but here's my information.</p>

<p>Politically- I'm slightly right economically, slightly-middle right authoritarian, and right socially. I <em>suppose</em> I'm a member of the religious right (uh-oh), although I despise almost every politician who holds that title.</p>

<p>Culturally- This is probably where I'm most the product of my environment. I'm extremely Midwestern-traditional, although I'm very accepting of other people. By that I mean I don't change my own customs very often, although I'm completely open to participating in other people's.</p>

<p>Theologically- Lutheran Christian, Missouri Synod. I love studying theology, so I'm accepting of other religions, though I certainly have questions. The only thing I get mad about on this issue is ignorance on either side ("DON'T QUESTION GOD!" or "OMG***BBQ Y DONT U FOLLO LEVITICUS?!").</p>


<p>I hope you get in, that's true diversity!</p>

<p>We cold use a little more of it!</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>agnostic, left.</p>

<p>Ah, thanks. <em>grins</em></p>

<p>My town's not much for debate (I'm one of the op./ed. writers for my paper), so I'm hoping to learn a lot by my experiences there.</p>

<p>Do you know that there's a 50% chance that there is a God?</p>


<p>You've probably heard of the</p>


<p>probably one of the most "right" college papers in the country.</p>

<p>I don't usually agree, but I love hearing their views.</p>

<p>I'd absolutely love to work at the Review, as well as the Jack-O-Lantern.</p>

<p>I didn't know they were THAT right, though. Hm.... That'll be interesting.</p>

<p>So, you're Sufi (unless that's some sort of abbreviation)? Muslim or non-Muslim? And are you politically-active?</p>

<p>Christian=follower of Christ (god)
Muslim=someone who submits to God
Sufi=someone who submits to reality (the divine as the only eternal reality)</p>

<p>I'm a Persian Sufi, most Persian Sufis view Christ as their ideal.
Muslims view Christ as a great prophet of God.</p>

<p>Sufis believe there are as many paths to god (the real) as there are hearts.
Sufis do not believe that politics have anything to do with god.
Politics=temporal=public (in the mind)
Theology=eternal=private (in the heart)</p>

<p>I am political based on my political views informed by my ethical views which need to be logically and socially responsible to what I can intellectually prove.
I cannot intellectually prove what is in my heart.</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>How about you/others?</p>

<p>"Sufi=someone who submits to reality (the divine as the only eternal reality)"</p>

<p>So, that's a yes? I've only known one Sufi person before, and they were Muslim.</p>

<p>"Sufis believe there are as many paths to god (the real) as there are hearts."</p>

<p>Sounds interesting...</p>

<p>Does that mean you think all ideologies are right, or merely that the paths to reach the one truth are different for everybody?</p>

<p>"I am political based on my political views informed by my ethical views which need to be logically and socially responsible to what I can intellectually prove.
I cannot intellectually prove what is in my heart."</p>

<p>A lot of religious people tend to be that way.</p>

<p>And, yeah, I'm heavy into politics. One of my hooks was getting to go to the Republican Convention in New York. It was both good (I got to talk to the leader of the U.N. military operations, John McCain, and friggin' Rich Lowry) and bad (the couple of kids that went with me were stupid, and every single protester irritated the hell out of me.)</p>

<p>"Does that mean you think all ideologies are right, or merely that the paths to reach the one truth are different for everybody?"</p>

<p>Different: as we, as people, are all unique. Your second answer is right on.</p>

<p>William F. Buckley>Rich Lowry</p>

<p>WIlliam F. Buckley=one-of-a-kind
Rich Lowry=hack</p>

<p>I see you're from Wisconsin, my father is also form the midwest: Ann Arbor, Michigan--mother-Iran.</p>

<p>I am politically very left.
I'm still figuring religion out. I really dislike most organized religions (not knocking anyone else), but I'm most definitely call myself spiritual.</p>

<p>And I'm dating a mormon if that means anything to anyone. :)</p>

<p>"i definitely call myself spiritual"</p>

<p>how so?</p>

<p>I'm center left on most issues, pretty socially liberal. 'Neoliberal' I guess you could say. And methodistish for religion.</p>

<p>"William F. Buckley>Rich Lowry"</p>

<p>Depends. Intelligence? Without a doubt. I love reading Buckley. I merely meant that I would rather read Lowry than Buckley.</p>

<p>"WIlliam F. Buckley=one-of-a-kind
Rich Lowry=hack"</p>


<p>You may not agree with him, but HACK? That's a little strong.</p>

<p>"I see you're from Wisconsin, my father is also form the midwest: Ann Arbor, Michigan--mother-Iran."</p>

<p>I've met him. Great guy.</p>


i asked my dad if he's met you and he said
"isnt he that crazy guy who thinks lowry isnt a hack???"</p>

WFB-dignified, transcendent (listens to people, pauses...looks at them like how stupid can u be...then continues on with something totally different)
lowry--shrill talking head (im into the artistry, not politics ie, lowry is a hack)</p>

<p>besides WFB is a great sailor</p>