<p>Hey All, Umm.. I have this paper due on monday for a college class, Political Science... and I am unsure of how I should begin writing it or how should i choose a topic... the topic is on anything dealing with political science?.. so, any help would be appreciated... thnx!</p>
<p>Can you be a little bit more specific? Political science is a broad field, and includes several sub-fields, including: American, comparative, IR, theory, and methodology.</p>
<p>It would be hard for me, even with a degree, to come up with something without a little direction. Help me help you.</p>
<p>Sorry for not being specific, it's just I had no idea... Umm, well, the class is U.S. and Texas Government and Policies, and we have covered such topics as the forms of gov't, Federal Judiciary, and Political Socialization... Thnx!</p>
<p>Hang on... the professor offered no prompt whatsoever?</p>
<p>What's the length of the paper supposed to be?</p>
<p>Nope, We were just told to do this paper on a topic dealing with Poitical Science that "strikes our interest", turn in on Monday, 3-5 pages typewritten any legible 12 point font</p>
<p>Okay, 3-5 pages is your limiting factor. Keep the topic narrow, or you'll find yourself with too little space for too broad of a thesis. </p>
<p>Any recent events that strike your interest? If it were California, I'd look at recent news, pick a particularly interesting event, and then try to show how it's part of an important and interesting trend...yada yada yada.</p>
<p>I getcha, thnx for the advice...</p>