Politics of Parent Associations

<p>Yikes. Who knew right? I am amazed at how darn political PAs can be, especially EC based PAs. Just like social High School. I guess I always new, but for a parent to stand up in a meeting of over a hundred parents and say, "If she (not me...because frankly I would never swim with these sharks...lol) is elected, I will resign" Grow up people. Go back to school, get your own life. Stop trying to be who weren't in High School. URRRGHHH. <strong>end of vent, rant, whatever you want to call it</strong></p>

<p>This kind of stuff is why I only go to one or two school-related meetings each year. I just don’t have any patience for it. The EC support I provide is negotiated directly with the teachers who sponsor the EC.</p>

<p>Mostly incredibly wonderful, impressive and exceptionally giving people there for all the right reasons in the Parent’s Associations I have been involved with - but no question in my mind there is a small subset of people who are there for the narcissism and the joy of hearing themselves speak - and because nobody is interested in dealing with them in any other way!</p>

<p>Wow, a hundred parents at a parents meeting? We’re lucky to get 10. Even when the meetings are kept short and on topic, parents don’t show up because they don’t want to be asked to volunteer.</p>

<p>I was very involved with parent organizations when my kids were in elementary school, but I find the HS situation to be very political so I refuse to support it. I give my time and money only to the groups that my child is involved in.</p>