
<p>Is U of Miami a liberal, moderate, or conservative campus?</p>

<p>I think it is liberal. Like the rest of Florida. Or wait were they conservative. No wait they were liberal but they vote conservative. No wait they vote liberal and conservative but they are conservative.... no wait i'm confused</p>

<p>i would have to say liberal.
shalala was the secretary of education for clinton.</p>

<p>U of Miami is more conservative than liberal, by all means. When Shalala was offered the job, there was a big uproar and the whole thing was very controversial especially because she had been Clinton's Secretary of Education..........</p>

<p>have you been on campus lately?</p>

<p>Yes....as a matter of fact...yesterday....!! Why?</p>

<p>The student base is conservative, but the administration is becoming more and more liberal.</p>

<p>Think about it. Its a bunch of rich land owning kids from Long Island ;]</p>

<p>Here is a quote from theu.com on the students at Miami.</p>

<p>"Apolitical but will turn conservative once they stop popping shots and start thinking about the world."</p>

<p>To quote my history teacher</p>

<p>"If your 20 and a conservative, you have no heart. If your 30 and a liberal, you have no money."</p>

<p>Well..I think perhaps your history teacher should probably stick to teaching history, and avoid cliches as the one you are quoting.</p>

<p>First off Donna Shalala served in the Clinton cabinet as Secretary of Health and Human Services not as Secretary of Education. Secondly the school is defiantly more conservative than it is liberal at least among the students and administration. Professors tend to be more liberal though.</p>

<p>oops...i didnt even realize i wrote education, thats what happens when you do two things at once.</p>

<p>my roommate is very conservative, and i spoke to her about this. she said she feels the campus is much more liberal than conservative. I'm neither so it has no bearing to me either way, but for me personally, I feel while the number of conservatives may be greater than liberals, I feel like the liberal students have a greater presence on campus.</p>