pop quiz! who knows what Aikido is?

<p>I practice aikido and have for a number of years. I definately intend to continue in college. Could anyone who knows particularly tell me if these schools have dojo nearby (so that I can get to them on a regular basis without a car?)</p>

<p>Brown, CMU, Rice, Stanford, Tufts, U of Rochester, Yale????</p>

<p>Yale has both an Undergrad. Aikido Club and a dojo in New Haven.</p>

<p>Brown has a dojo.</p>

<p>Stanford has a club, and they use the wrestling room as a dojo.</p>

<p>I don't know about the others.</p>

<p>thank you...
(esp. info on how accessable dojo in the area are: because I've checked that everywhere either has a club or a dojo in the city, but I won't have a car, so I need to be able to get to the dojo by public transport or so...)
thanks again!!</p>

<p>Within walking distance...Yale has Connecticut Aikikai about two/three blocks from campus and Shobu Aikido within the Payne-Whitney gym on campus.</p>

<p>The only dojo I know of in Palo Alto is about three miles from campus, Palo Alto Aikido.</p>