Portal Question

My son applied to VT EA a few days ago, and a recently received an email to set up his portal. He thinks he did everything correctly. When we look on the “View Application Summary” page, it has all of his basic info (name, address, major, etc.).

However, there is no checklist to see if everything was submitted/received. At the bottom of the page it simply says:

Self-Reported Coursework (with no received date or note indicated)

Does this mean VT is missing self-reported coursework? (It was all listed on the Coalition App). What about the application itself, test scores, etc.

What are we doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance.

Yes the self reported coursework filters in from Coalition now (last year you had to go in and retype it into SRAR). You can still login the SRAR portal to make sure it all filtered in properly if you would like to for peace of mind.


When decisions come out another section will appear between the Basic Info section and the Requirements section showing the decision (and link to accept or decline admission).

My son applied ED in October and it was about a week later before that SRAR received box was populated with a received date. Interestingly, for the last week, that date has changed every day to indicate today’s date. Anyone else having that occur?

Thanks for the reply. I checked my son’s SRAR (I appreciated the link) and it appears his academic record was sent to VT today. Hopefully it will be reflected in the portal as “received” soon. We are headed out of town, and neither he nor I wanted to worry about any missing info while traveling given the 12/1 EA deadline. Nothing like doing things at the last minute!

The date on my sons updated a few times last year almost like the date is the last time data pulled from srar by vt admissions.

Thanks @cbl1 I wondered if it meant things were happening. ?

Is his portal super basic looking? My son’s looks like it is almost the backend of a system? I just want to make sure he registered in the right place.

Yes pretty basic. Once you click on the fall 2020 term link, I believe it’s just his name, address, major, and the fact he did ED. Then a box below that indicates the date the self reported coursework was received.