Posse Scholarship- Ask Away!

@Smith4 A few questions:

  1. If your daughter were applying without Posse, would she have applied to the school with which Posse matched her?
  2. If she were accepted with a package similar to what Posse offers, would she take that offer over paying full tuition at one of her top choices?
  3. What are her chances to be accepted into her top choices without Posse?

If they are yes, yes, and these aren’t safety schools for her, than take the Posse interview, if they are no and no, or these are safety schools for her, than she can happily withdraw from consideration.

Truth is that kids are not very good at predicting what school is a good fit for them, while the Posse people, with a 90% graduation rate for their students, seem to have a pretty good handle on matching kids to schools. Also, there is about a 50% chance that the school will prefer other candidates,in which case, the chances of your daughter getting into any Posse school as a Posse finalists are vastly better than they would be if she dropped out now.

TL;DR version: unless she’s sure that she can do better in chances of acceptance and financial support without Posse, she should go to the interview, and accept the scholarship if she is chosen.

Is the finalist family meeting a group meeting (with all the other finalists in one room) or individual (one family at a time)?

@liveonboca was the family meeting that you went to a group meeting or 1-on-1 ?

@tamtam15 When you say the school your daughter chose, also chose her? Does that mean its the school that is actually wanting to bring the kids in for the 3rd round and not posse matching them? Because the 4th school on my daughters list is who she was matched with out of 5 schools and she really doesn’t want to go because it was not one of her TOP three… It was the second to last so we are not sure how they matched.


Well after reading more of the comments on the blog, it is possible her top Posse choices didn’t chose to bring her in for the last round and this school did. As one mother stated “her daughters choice also chose her”.

  1. If your daughter were applying without Posse, would she have applied to the school with which Posse matched her? NEVER
  2. If she were accepted with a package similar to what Posse offers, would she take that offer over paying full tuition at one of her top choices? YES (to go to a top choice that is not posse affiliated and to her top Posse choice)
  3. What are her chances to be accepted into her top choices without Posse? Top Posse would be a REACH school, Her top choices not Posse affiliated TARGET/SAFETY schools.

I agree some kids may not know what would be the right fit, however if she knows she will not be happy in this particular state at this particular school, the trade off of a free ride is null. They matched her to the 2nd to last choice on her list mainly for location and we are not sure why.

However, I want her to be able to still have ACCESS to the remaining schools if matched school doesn’t accept her, but the likelihood of making it this far and them not is greater. I just dont want her to be stuck.

@Smiths4 I don’t believe you can really request a higher ranked school. The way I understand it is that Posse will rank you to the the highest ranked school they can, so if they ranked you with your 4th ranked school unfortunately they just had more people they wanted to pair with your 1-3 schools. Of course, you could ask, but I would guess that they don’t have room to move people around. I would probably talk to a Posse advisor, but if she really does not find herself to fit at that school I wouldn’t force it. I have a friend who was matched with his lower-ranked school and ending up getting the scholarship, but he ultimately transferred after a year.

@bigboyk_ That’s awesome! good luck in the rest of the process :slight_smile:

@Smiths4 You are making a pretty good case for dropping out of the process. Have they had the meeting with finalists yet? If not, maybe you should go to the meeting, and speak with the Posse people. If your daughter really doesn’t want to go the the school that Posse matched her with, and has options that are more attractive to her, it may be worthwhile seeing what you can do to change things.

Good luck, I hope things work out.

@gk1733 Unfortunately, I didn’t get through.

Hey bigboyk, am also a finalist for sewanee the university of the south. And i was wondering did you not make it to the finals?

@dokotarose congrats!! So excited for you! I didn’t make it through to the final round, unfortunately.

I am selected as a finalist for Posse New York at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Can you please tell me what were the questions that they asked?

@Deepankar they’re all in this thread

@Smiths4 I’m not exactly sure why the schools choose who they choose. I just know my child was excited because they was picked by theirs first choice. It seems to actually be a perfect fit so far even being so far away from home. We live in New Orleans and college is in Illinois!
My suggestion would be to trust the process or talk to a Posse Representative and see what they think. I would definitely express my concerns.

Ahh I have not heard anything from Posse yet, but other people from my state has… does this mean that I’ve probably been rejected?

@RightTwix you have to be nominated

haha yeah i went through my semifinalist a while ago and people have been hearing back about whether or not they’ve been chosen to be a finalist, but I have not. ://

@RightTwix oh ok. I’m not sure how they tell you if you didn’t make it

Did all posse New York find out their decision yet?

Did anyone from the Georgia area hear back on whether they were a finalist or not?