Possibility of transferring to Wesleyan University?

<p>I am enrolled as a freshman at a community college in TX. My grades/test scores in high school were horrible... which is why I decided to go to a junior college. I am determined to do better this year but I was wondering how tough is it to transfer to Wesleyan? How many credits do I need to take this year? Their fall registration deadline is in March and I know their credit system is a little bit different as well... Also I have read that students are less likely to get accepted in the spring so I really want to apply for the fall term. At the time of application, how many credits am I required to have completed?</p>

<p>Are you a rising frosh or a rising sophmore? You need to have a year’s worth of college credits or the equivalent of at least six Wesleyan credits at the time of matriculation. However, my reading of the website FAQ suggests if you are still in the middle of your first year of college, you may not be eligible to apply yet as a transfer. You may want to read it for yourself: [Transfer</a> Students, Admission - Wesleyan University](<a href=“http://www.wesleyan.edu/admission/applying/admission_types/transfer_students.html]Transfer”>http://www.wesleyan.edu/admission/applying/admission_types/transfer_students.html)</p>

<p>I am a rising freshman. What I am confused about is how Wesleyan credits work? I am taking about 37 credits this year and I was wondering how many Wesleyan credits that equal. Also, I cannot find anything about their GenEd courses… Like the sort of courses undergraduates are expected to take there. If I could find it I’d try to match it with the courses available at my college.</p>

<p>A regular class at Wesleyan is 1 credit, and 4 credits is a normal load for a semester (you need 32 to graduate - however, Wesleyan counts each of its own classes as 4 “credit hours” for conversion purposes when dealing with external systems - not sure if your classes would be 3 or 4 credit-hours each). Also, GenEds are required only for honors (and one or two majors I think)… otherwise they are optional. They are very broad, though, so most people complete them, regardless of whether they intend to.</p>

<p>That’s equivalent to about 24 credits in my school… That’s it? I thought the transfer requirement would be much harder for Wes but I’m surprised and a bit skeptical. I’ll just assume that I can’t have anything lower than a C.</p>

<p>Having completed at least six Wesleyan credits is just a credit guideline for admissions to be able to classify you as a “Transfer Student” instead of a “First Year Student”. However, do not be fooled–the transfer pool is still highly competitive, and you should aim to do better than a “C” average, especially coming from a community college. The lowest grade for transfer credits that we will accept is a C- (and a B- in summer courses). You should really look at the website that johnwesley provided for you, all of the questions that you asked are answered there.</p>

<p>Hi, I’d like to transfer to Wesleyan, also, but after finishing my associate’s. I understand that Wesleyan is need-aware, but will having strong financial need cripple you through the admissions process? Does anyone know the average GPA of accepted transfers? Thank you.</p>