Possible to Change Discussion Times of Pre-Enrolled Classes?

<p>Pretty much what the title says. The pre-enrolled discussion time for my econ is stopping me from taking another class, and the time I want is still open. Is there any way for me to change this?</p>

<p>I believe so, if you guys are allowed to add and drop classes right now. You can drop the course and add it again, except this time with the discussion you want. Also, you can swap, which is the same thing, except it doesn’t drop you until the class is added.</p>

<p>If you can’t add/drop yet, you have to wait until that period.</p>

<p>I’m allowed to add/drop, but for some reason when I go to “edit” it won’t let me edit the pre-enrolled class.</p>

<p>just use swap for a different time…that’s what i did</p>

<p>I tried to do that but on the drop down list of classes I can “swap” Micro doesn’t come up.</p>

<p>may be cuz it’s full…</p>

<p>No I’m already enrolled in Micro but when it says classes to swap and I click the drop down menu micro doesn’t come up.</p>

<p>Unfortunately you can’t change discussion times for some classes I guess. I was having the same problem when signing up for math. I had planned on taking lecture at one time and discussion at another, but when I enrolled in the lecture, it auto-enrolled me in a specific discussion time. This was the case even if I chose the discussion first (it would enroll me in the corresponding lecture time)… I called engineering registrar and they basically said if you sign up for a lecture you’re stuck with the corresponding discussion so you have to find one that fits. I know, it sucks. My mix-up made it so I now have classes /every day/ at 8AM. I was really upset.</p>

<p>^^ Ah dude that sucks =[
I talked to someone who said if you talk to a professor sometimes they won’t care if you come to a different discussion time as long as its not overbooked, but the problem is the system won’t let me sign up for a different class’s lecture time because it says I have a discussion during that time =/</p>

<p>What does edit mean? Is that official like ADD/Drop? or Swap?</p>

<p>I think in your case they may let you switch to another discussion time if it’s a genuine conflict. I just didn’t feel like waking up for an 8 AM class so there wasn’t that much they could do for me, haha.</p>

<p>[Cornell</a> University Registrar: College Registrar Directory](<a href=“http://registrar.sas.cornell.edu/Student/crdirectory.html]Cornell”>College Registrar Directory | Cornell University Registrar)</p>

<p>There are all the phone numbers for each of the colleges if you’d like to call yours and ask if there is anything you can do. Good luck :)</p>

<p>HAHAHA I laughed at the first part of your comment.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for the info! I’m going to try and call first thing tomorrow =]</p>

<p>i used edit to change a discussion time.</p>

<p>i think swap is for classes</p>

<p>How do you change a discussion time through edit?</p>

<p>It just tells me I’m automatically enrolled</p>

<p>The swap function does work for Labs I think.</p>