Possible to get in?

<p>I really like the school and it is my top pick, however my gpa is a major inhibitor. Please share opinion on whether I have a decent chance or not.</p>

18% </p>

<p>Sat: 1840
Reading: 620
Math: 640
Writing: 580</p>

Unweighted: 2.46
Weighted: 5.1</p>

<p>All courses have been Honors or Ap for all 4 years. 9 Science classes: 3 ap, bio, physics, environmental science, 4 honnors, other 2 electives. </p>

<p>Volunteered at hospital 100+ hrs
Volunteered at local firehouse 300+ hrs
Have had 2 jobs, one still as a waiter
participated in clubs at school, 2 each year</p>

<p>Is that a typo on one of your GPAs? I knew grade inflation was bad but weighting a GPA enough to move it over 2.5 points is insane. On VTs scale you’ll probably have something like a 3.3, which probably won’t get you in.</p>

<p>So i have no chance?</p>

<p>VT would be a very big reach. If your heart is set on it there are community colleges with matriculation agreements I think, but I don’t know much about all that.</p>

<p>Edit: I’m trying to figure out this GPA thing. How is that weighted GPA calculated? Your class rank is good so I’m really not sure how it works at your school.</p>

<p>Well my rank goes off of the weighted gpa, and I don’t know the specifics on how the weighted gpa’s are determined. I’m going to still apply as a reach. But thanks for being honest about my chances</p>

<p>Always go for your dream, if you get in great-if not at least you gave it your best shot.
Good luck to you.</p>

<p>GPAs vary from school to school, and VT knows this. Your rank helps put that into perspective for them. I think you have a good chance!</p>

<p>Well i was accepted. And will probably attend. My number 1 JMU said no though.</p>

<p>Congrats! It’s a great school!</p>

<p>Congratulations! :)</p>

<p>Would you mind telling me if u are in-state?</p>

<p>Nope out of state from jersey</p>