possible to switch school/major?

<p>i was admitted to the college of arts and sciences on 1/28, and my major was int'l relations. but in fact i sort of changed my mind and i do want to study the business admin(int'l relations) at marshll now. so is it possible that i can change it when i enter USC? if possible, how? besides, would it affect my scholarship?(i haven't got my scholarship letter yet, but assume it's a dean's)</p>


<p>sorry that I am bumping this thread up…
I received the dean’s scholarship letter weeks ago…
but am still struggling on the major/school issue…
could any current students shed some light on this problem as stated above?~

<p>Since you’re changing schools (LAS to Marshall) the process takes a bit longer than getting a paper signed. </p>

<p>But no, your scholarship will not be affected. The only way you can lose your scholarship is if your GPA drops too low or drop below full-time student status.</p>

<p>Just do well in your 1st semester classes. Try and switch into MATH 118 (calculus for business students) and also business class like micro or macro econ that is a pre-requisite for a lot of other courses. </p>

<p>Perhaps someone currently in Marshall can give you more specific advice.</p>

<p>I believe being accepted to Marshall requires separate application. You really should call the Marshall admissions office and ask this right away. I also think merit scholarships are decided by school/department and if you switch majors right now, I’m not sure how this will be viewed. Maybe no trouble at all, but maybe LAS will want to keep the scholarship for majors within their school? Don’t really know this, so maybe others can help out.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t suggest changing your school until after you officially receive your scholarship, since the school you applied to is the one that gives you the scholarship. However if, after you are at USC, you want to switch majors or even switch schools (eg. to Marshall), you will still get your scholarship. Of course, that means you would probably need to apply in the fall to transfer to Marshall for the spring (but if you take a bunch of GEs or courses that would apply to your new major like Economics in the fall I don’t see why switching in for the spring semester would be a big deal).</p>

<p>You can easily change your major once you are enroll.</p>


This is only true within schools. To transfer from CLAS to Marshall is a different story.</p>

<p>Marshall admits must go through Marshall. Like madbean says, contact admissions right away. If you wait, you will have to apply to Marshall for a transfer.</p>

<p>Sorry you are receiving so many conflicting opinions. Call admissions asap.</p>

<p>thank you all!i really appreciate your opinions
I will call admissions to see how to deal with it~</p>