<p>In the mail today was a nice big package with USC on the front. I was excited until I realized that I had known for 2 months that due to the financial crisis flushing away all my savings I wouldn't be able to attend.</p>
<p>Oh well that's what you pick safeties for I guess.</p>
<p>I’m hoping for a good financial aid package. I will most likely attend if I get in, unless the financial aid package is horrendous (which it shouldnt be since USC’s financial aid program is good and there is a significant difference between my EFC and the sticker price). I love USC and I plan on attending if I get in hopefully :)</p>
<p>UCs gave me really good financial aid, which was a surprise. Hopefully SC will do the same. Since I got rejected from LA, SC is even more appealing now.</p>
<p>the whole “USC will give you what you need” in terms of financial aid, would that be them giving you mostly everything you can’t afford depending on your EFC?</p>
<p>of course, not EVERYTHING. but a decent amount?</p>