Post your high school's demographics!

<p>Don't know the specifics, but I'm pretty sure its 80% white, 19% asian (95% of those asians being korean) and 1% everything else. I think there's only about 1-2 mexicans at my school and 3-4 Africans.</p>

<p>My School:</p>

<p>7% African American
5% Hispanic/Latino
2% Asian/Pacific Islander
0.6% Middle Eastern
7% Multi-racial
78.4% Caucasian</p>

<p>(And this is where it gets lol-worthy.)My city:
White: 30.8%
Black: 60.0%
American Indian and Alaska Native: 0.3%
Asian: 2.7%
Other race: 3.8%
Two or more races: 2.4%
Hispanic/Latino: 7.9%</p>

<p>^What????? That hardly makes any sense. Do you go to a selective high school?</p>

-around 3,200 students
-71% Caucasian
-12% African-American
-7% Asian
-10% Hispanic</p>

<p>City: (Suburban Minnesota/2000)
-around 54,901 people
-90.7% Caucasian
-2.3% African-American
-0.21% Native American
-4.8% Asian
-1.6% Hispanic</p>

<p>School : 99% White, 1% Asian.
City : Unknown.</p>

<p>White - 70%
Hispanic - 17%
Black - 8%
Multiracial - 3%
Asian - 2%</p>

<p>No diversity in this school. D':</p>

<p>White 35.9%
Black 2.2%
Hispanic 3.3%
Asian/Pacific Islander 58.5%
American Indian/Alaska Native 0.2%</p>

<p>School (~1700)
White 74%
Asian 16%<br>
African American 6%<br>
Hispanic 5%<br>
American Indian 1%
Filipino 1%<br>
Pacific Islander <1%</p>

<p>City (~400,000)
48.29% White
16.62% Asian
15.47% African American
21.61% Hispanic or Latino
1.30% Native American
0.95% Pacific Islander
10.96% other races,
6.41% two or more races</p>

<p>2,300 Hispanic Kids
330 White Kids
110 Black Kids
44 Asians
20 Pacific Islanders</p>

<p>That's 80% hispanic. We have a 50% drop out rate from 9th to 12th, and less than 10% goes to a four year college. Depressing. Los Angeles Unified School District isn't what it used to be. And a proposition past to pump 7 billion more dollars into it? please.</p>

<p>Ethnicity This School State Average
White 39% 29%
Asian 26% 8%
Hispanic or Latino 20% 49%
Pacific Islander 6% <1%
Filipino 4% 3%
Multiple or No Response 3% 3%
African American 2% 7%
American Indian or Alaska Native <1% <1%</p>

<p>Ethnicity This School State Average
Hispanic 40% 25%
Black 29% 23%
White 28% 46%
Multiracial 2% 4%
Asian/Pacific Islander 2% 2%
American Indian/Alaskan Native <1% <1%</p>

<p>looking through my old threads,
this one’s kind of interesting</p>

<p>Probably 98% white</p>


<p>^^ how do you know I’m in Oregon?</p>

<p>86.71% White,
3.25% African American,
7.36% Asian,
3.82% Hispanic,</p>

<p>My school/ Asheville(NC) Average
White: 77.1% 85.4%
Black: 15.2% 8.7%
Hispanic: 4.9% 3.5%
Asian/Pacific Islander: 2.3% 1.8%
American Indian/Alaskan Native: 0.6% 0.1%</p>

<p>52.7% White
33.0% Black
9.0% Hispanic
5.1% Asian
0.1% Native American</p>

<p>We are not diverse… Especially considering I go to school in England and London is one of the most ethnically diverse places in the world…</p>

<p>White (Aristocracy): 2%
White (non-Aristocracy): 70%
Middle Eastern: 13%
Asian: 13%
African-American: 1%
Hispanic: 1%</p>

<p>Hispanic 73.9%
(which is pretty much illegal Mexicans…I know people who will tell me they’re illegal)</p>

<p>White 9.8%
(kids who are just at the school for IB) </p>

<p>African-American 8.7%
(school is near; their cousin/uncle/brother/sister/aunt/ mom’s bff’s daughter or son goes there; honors or IB)</p>

<p>Native American 5.2%
(school is near)</p>

<p>Asian 2.4%
(IB program, and there’s only like 4 of them…hence the 2.4%)</p>