Post your high school's demographics!

White - 61%
Black - 25%
Hispanic - 12%
Native American - <1%
Asian - <1%</p>

White - 76%
Black - 15%
Hispanic - 11% (Wiki says Hispanic - of any race - so that’s why it’s greater than 100%)
Other - 2%</p>

<p>No Wikipedia demographics from my school, probably because it’s small. We’re pretty diverse though, especially considering that we’re in Midwestern suburbs.</p>

<p>As for my town:
White 81%
Black 10%<br>
Hispanic 5%
Asian 7%
Islander ~0%<br>
Native ~0.1%<br>
Other 1.4%</p>

<p>My school (~1000 kids):
White: 99+%
Other: <1%</p>

<p>My town (~2000 residents):
White: 97%
Asian: 1%
Other: 2%</p>

<p>My state:
White: 93%
Black: 1%
Hispanic: 3%
Other: 3%</p>

<p>You might say we’re a little lacking in the diversity area…</p>

<p>Wow, lilyrobin, that’s CRAZY!
My friend and her family along with another family they’re friends with are the only blacks in their town.</p>

<p>Straight from Wikipedia:</p>

<p>54.6% Asian(mostly consisting of Korean/Chinese students), 23.5% White, 13.8% Hispanic, 2.3% African-American, about 6% Native American, Filipino(mostly) and Pacific Islander(Samoan/Chamorro/etc.), and about 1% Indonesians.</p>

<p>89.2% Caucasian, 1.4% African American, 0.1% Native American, 7.8% Asian, 0.0% Pacific Islander, 0.4% from other races, and 1.1% from two or more races. 2.6% of the population are Hispanic or Latino of any race.</p>

<p>Our school (1650 kids) probably has like 10 blacks, 300 asians.</p>

<p>The racial makeup of the village was 77.05% White, 21.49% African American, 0.73% Native American, 0.44% from other races, and 0.29% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.73% of the population.</p>

<p>Census of 2000 which is no longer anywhere near accurate. White population is much lower, black is much higher, and Hispanic is MUCH higher. We have tons of illegals. Like easily 2-4 hundred…which the village is only officially around 700 people to begin with…</p>

<p>White, not Hispanic 57%
Black, not Hispanic 40%
Hispanic 3%</p>

<p>No Asians or anything. Again, not accurate anymore. The lower grades are filled to the brim with Hispanics, reflecting the mass illegal immigration in recent years. None of the higher grades have any Hispanics (k-12). I’d say maybe 1-2 Mexicans from grade 7-12, but in K-6th grade easily 10 or more per class…some classes are majority Mexican.</p>

<p>Also I’d put the black/white rate about even, although in my cousin’s 8th grade Science class there was one white person in the entire class of around 30 people.</p>

<p>I don’t know for sure, but at my old school, I’d say:</p>

<p>White: 60%
Black: 35%
Hispanic + Indian + other Asians = 5%</p>



<p>I remember useless information easily. You’ve mentioned it before, and I never forgot it after I saw it.</p>

<p>My school:
93% Black
6% Hispanic
1% White non-Hispanic (Wait, we have white people? Where? Maybe our teachers but not our students. I cannot remember seeing one white student at this year’s graduation).</p>


<h1>Hispanic or Latino of any race: 65.8%</h1>

<h1>Black (many of whom are from the Caribbean) or African American: 22.3%</h1>

<h1>White: 11.8%</h1>

<h1>Some other races: 5.4%</h1>

<h1>Two or more races: 4.7%</h1>

<h1>Asian: 0.7%</h1>

<h1>Pacific Islander: 0.04%</h1>

<h1>Native American: 0.2%</h1>

<p>White 56%
Black 35%
Multiracial 5%
Asian or Pacific Islander 3%
Hispanic <1%</p>

<p>I don’t think there are actually any Hispanics. It’s weird.</p>

<p>School of ~3000:
15% African American (not of Hispanic origin)<br>
1% American Indian or Alaska Native<br>
7% Asian<br>
4% Filipino<br>
36% Hispanic or Latino
1% Pacific Islander
35% White (not of Hispanic origin) </p>

<p>^I would say we’re fairly diverse. :slight_smile:
from a city of ~180,000. I couldn’t find any city demographics that are in date haha</p>

<p>The racial makeup of my city:
White: 79.60%
Asian - 15.39%
African American - 2.21%
Native American - 0.16%
Pacific Islander - 0.02%,
Other races - 0.85%
Two or more races - 1.76%</p>

<p>Racial makeup of school (estimates):
White - 55%
Asian - 40%
Blacks - 2%
Hispanics - 2%
Others - 1%</p>


lol that’s flattering;)</p>

Caucasian 68%
Asian 19%
Hispanic 3%
African American 2%
Other 8%</p>

78.59% white
1.24% African American
0.11% Native American
16.02% Asian
0.04% Pacific Islander
0.63% from other races
3.38% from two or more races
Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2.97% of the population.</p>

<p>My school, 2,500+ students</p>

<p>Hispanic or Latino 51%
White 18%
Filipino 18%
African American 8%<br>
Asian 4%
Pacific Islander <1%<br>
American Indian or Alaska Native <1%
Multiple or No Response <1%</p>

<p>My city:
White 55.1%
African American 4.6%
American Indian and Alaska Native persons, 0.8%
Asian 11.0%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 0.6%
Persons reporting two or more races 5.8%
Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, 49.6%</p>

Black (41.8%)
White Non-Hispanic (31.2%)
Hispanic (24.5%)
Other race (13.7%)
Two or more races (3.6%)
American Indian (2.2%)</p>

White (%) 17.7
Black (%) 48.2
Hispanic (%) 33.3
Asian/Pacific Islander (%) 0.4
American Indian/Alaska Native (%) 0.4</p>

<p>my school of roughly 2,000 is nearly minority-majority, w/high populations of hispanic, black, and asian students.</p>

<p>My town:
94.89% White
1.22% African American
0.14% Native American
2.49% Asian
1.43% Hispanic
0.01% Pacific Islander</p>

<p>My town has 2,700 people and is 98.46% white. If you work out how many black people we have based on percentage, it comes out to one. As you can imagine there aren’t many more of any other minorities.</p>