Post your October 2008 SAT Essays + Scores!

<p>This essay got a 10. The prompt was, "is compromise the best solution to everything?"</p>


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<p>why is nobody contributing? -_-'</p>

<p>Same prompt as you:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Got a 12. Have fun reading my handwriting!</p>

<p>^It's been a while but...DANG Godfatherbob! You got a 2400! Mind writing a guide? Seriously...</p>

<p>Umm....I gave an example about a famous person and underlined the name of the person. Is it okay to do that?</p>


<p>That is a really good essay. I especially enjoyed the intro. Just a reminder that it is easier to read these essays if you enlarge it (by right clicking when you have the + magnifying glass arrow)</p>

<p>I got a 12--and I definitely didn't think I got a 12, since I literally wrote a semi-concluding sentence just as the time ran out. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>wow bigb14, I'd say the content of most of your essay was about an 8, but the last couple sentences really made it a 10. Superb conclusion, brilliant.</p>

<p>Topic - Do actions reveal an individual or group's true intentions
Score - 12</p>

<p>IIT</a> JEE , AIEEE Forum - goiit<em>user</em>images , goiit<em>user</em>images - My 12 SAT essay part1
IIT</a> JEE , AIEEE Forum - goiit<em>user</em>images , goiit<em>user</em>images - My 12 SAT essay part2</p>

<p>ahhh. no ones typing it..? -.-</p>

<p>@spideyunlimited: Your introductory paragraph is kind of circuitous despite being brief. The reasoning that follows, however, is very logical and pertinent.
Overall, your whole essay is quite easy to follow and I'd give you a 5 out of 6 if I were a grader. :D</p>


<p>what's the point? it's faster to just post the image link.</p>

<p>got a 12, pm me if you want it</p>

<p>@spideyunlimited: care to tell us your overall score? The essay was awesome!</p>

<p>^he scored a 12</p>

<p>writing 800 M 800 CR 700</p>

<p>yeah spidey, great essay :D</p>

<p>Thanks, lol</p>

<p>Wow spidey! awesome!</p>

<p>Lol :P It feels good to score 12 without fake, big words :P</p>