<p>Hi. I'm a white freshman girl at an NYC private school, and I know I still have quite a bit to go before I "officially" have to start worrying about college, but I've already been giving it some thought, and so I'd like to know if I seem like I'm headed in a good direction. [It's quite wordy, for which I apologize!]</p>
<p>Interests: politics, performing, writing, marketing. [I also am very into art, but actively pursuing that isn't a priority for me.]
SATs [taken in 7th grade, before the written section]: 610 V, 610 M</p>
--Algebra II/Trigonometry A: B for 1st semester; 2nd semester will VERY likely be B or higher
--English: A for 1st semester; 2nd semester will VERY likely be an A
--History: A for 1st semester; 2nd semester will VERY likely be A-range
--Physics: A- for 1st semester; 2nd semester is rather likely to be A-range
--Latin III: A for 1st semester; 2nd semester will VERY likely be A-range
--Health: N/A for 1st semester; 2nd semester will VERY likely be A-range</p>
In school, this year:
--Dance/theatre [1 quarter each--we have "fresharts" for the 1st semester, which is a bit like a sampling platter of the main arts courses on offer]
--Wind ensemble, 2nd flute [it's technically a high school activity but I, along with a few others, have been a member since 7th grade]
--Book-shelving at the library [not an official extracurricular, but I started doing it for community service, and plan to continue perhaps throughout the rest of high school]
--Harvard Model Congress
--School musical
Out of school:
--CTY distance education course on crafting the essay</p>
--Scholastic gold key winner for short story [both in 7th and 9th grade]
--Regular National Novel-Writing Month participant [not really an officially recognized accomplishment; included more to show my dedication to writing]</p>
--This summer I'm going to have an internship with New York Theatre Workshop.
--Next year, I plan on taking: English, AP US History, Chemistry [quantitative chem doesn't fit in my schedule], Pre-calculus A, health, Latin IV/V, and also French I/II... plus actor's ensemble, dance technique, and wind symphony.
--I want to be as involved with the drama department as possible. I'm considering joining the acapella group, too.
--I love languages. My dad's trilingual and my mom's... somewhere between bilingual and trilingual, and I'd love to be fluent in French, Spanish, and in other languages as well.
--I love, love, love writing! I've been writing since--I don't know when. I write fiction, and have written my fair share of short stories, but I've also invested quite a bit of time in a few novels. Right now, I'm looking around at writer's journals: I want to develop one of my short stories so that it is of a publishable quality.
--Marketing fascinates me to no end.
--I have been pursuing a position in student government since I entered my school... I've just never succeeded. I was thoroughly involved with middle school model congress and want to continue doing Harvard model congress every year, if possible.
--Hopefully, the future will see me organizing a few campaigns for various causes; I do follow politics and care a lot about what's going on in the world. For the record, I am liberal.
--I'm going to be taking vocal lessons over the summer, and I'll hopefully also eventually start taking acting lessons.
--I plan on dropping science courses as soon as possible [in other words... senior year. For the record, my school does science backward: physics/chemistry/biology rather than the reverse].
--I'm advanced in math [I took algebra in 7th grade, when most people in my grade took algebra in 8th, and plenty of other people in 9th].
--Although I've never really considered art as a profession I'd be interested in, I am still very fascinated by it... but more as a hobby. I want to perfect my figure-drawing skills, and I'd also love to take a photography class, or two, or several.</p>