Potential Questions to ask at Singer/Stamps Interview?

<p>Anyone wanna help me brainstorm some questions to ask the interviewee if I get an invite to the Singer or the Singer/Stamps Weekend? I know a lot of the "interview" is the interviewee gauging interest and personality based on questions you ask, but I'm really bad at coming up with questions. I feel like I already know most of what I'm interested in knowing about the University, so any help in coming up with new things to ask about would be great. Thanks!</p>

<p>There’s all these statistics that you can learn online, but there’s something you could never possibly know. What does your interviewer like about the school? What do they like the least? In a Singer/Stamps interview, you will have a faculty interviewer as well as a student interviewer, so you might want to ask the student’s perspective on their own life, academically, socially, and otherwise, at the University.</p>