Singer/Stamps Interviews

Hi all! Does anyone have experience on what to expect for the Singer/Stamps interviews? Does it feel more formal “interview” or more conversational? Also any recommendations on what to see/do on campus if we haven’t been there before?

Firstly, congrats on the acceptance to UM. The Singer/Stamps interviews are pretty casual conversations. There are some basic interview type questions asked to get an idea of the student but the purpose is to get a chance to see the students passion and drive for the University. You shouldn’t feel like you need to provide any certain information or answer a question a certain way. Additionally, the interview should be a learning experience for you. There will be a student in the room along with your interviewing professor and you should feel free to ask either the professor or student, any questions you have about UM.

As far as things to do on campus, its always good to take a tour if you have never been here because it is important to see the campus facilities and dorm etc. Additionally, you should try to eat in the dinning halls to get an idea of the food you might be eating next year. If you know what major you are planing on taking, I would also recommend trying to sit in in a lecture and talking to professors in that field to find out more about research or internship opportunities and other available resources on campus. At night, I recommend going to a baseball or basketball game! They are always a ton of fun and you can really experience the Cane spirit that way. Good luck with everything!

Thanks for this good answer @oceanchem! I will pass it on to my very excited daughter :->

Glad to help @kidsrexpensive‌. I hope all goes well for your daughter with the interviews and other admission results. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask.