Class of 2016 Singer/Stamps Thread

<p>I figured it'd be a good idea to have a thread for all of us who got an invite to either Singer and/or Stamps to get together and talk about it.</p>

<p>Does anybody have any clue what the interview is like? What should we be prepared to talk about and such? It'd also be cool if any parents whose kids did it last year could offer some input too...</p>

<p>This is all so exciting!</p>

<p>Great idea, and congrats! My D is a Stamps Scholar this year, and I can tell you what I remember that she shared (and I would be happy to ask her if you have any specific questions). She started the weekend with the tour, as she had not visited Miami. As it turns out, the student who led her tour was actually one of her interviewers also. My D interviewed with a dept head of her indicated major, and there will be a student at the interview also. In her experience, it was very friendly and relaxed. No tough questions. It seemed like they really just wanted to get to know her and find out more about her passion. I really have no idea how they choose who gets which scholarship. She had a great interview and really clicked with the interviewee, so that probably helped. Hopefully some of the kids that attended last year can tell you more. I will share that the weekend is definitely more academically focused than social. I guess they figure the kids already know Miami is fun. It’s been a perfect fit for her, and I hope a lot of you choose the U also!</p>

<p>Thanks for that info dumbo11. My S who is currently attending UMiami has several friends who have received the Stamps/Singer scholarships last year. Im in the process of trying to get some insight from him. I will share that with you when I find out anything. When he applied 2yrs ago he received the Deans Scholarship. Umiami is a perfect fit for him. I hope my other S (who will also be attending the Stamps/Singer weekend) will feel the same!!! Very proud of our kids -however it turns out.</p>

<p>Does anybody know how many people get invited every year, and of those that are invited, how many actually get the scholarship?</p>

<p>Christi gave us approximate Singer numbers when we visited last fall: 300 invitations - 75 awards.</p>

<p>@KeyWest: Do you happen to know the Stamps numbers?</p>

<p>I seem to recall hearing Mr. Stamps and Dr. Green say that they were looking at perhaps 15 total last year - never did hear how many there actually were. The year before that, when Stamps was introduced to UM, I think there were only 3 and they were all in the Frost school of music.
You’ll probably hear Mr. Stamps speak on Friday night and he’ll give you a pretty good indication of the kind of students he’s looking for.
Good luck to all!</p>

<p>i’m a Stamps scholar (currently a freshman) and there are 8 Stamps scholars in the Class of 2015
i’m not sure how many were offered Stamps, but if I had to guess, I would guess roughly 10
however, the Stamps Scholars Program is expanding nationwide, so I don’t really know how many they will award this year (nor do I know if they have a set number, as they may just decide based on the interviewees)
there are roughly 15 Stamps Scholars who aren’t in the Class of 2015, though all of them are in Frost
hope this helps give some idea
and come to the []_[]!! BEST CHOICE I HAVE EVER MADE!!! :)</p>

<p>Since there are 3 Singer weekends, how do they divide up how many Singers are given at each one?</p>

<p>I found this on the U of Miami site:
[Stamps</a> Scholarship Weekend](<a href=“]Stamps”>
“Stamps Scholarships awarded - The Stamps Scholarship is our highest merit scholarship awarded and went into effect last year. Candidates will be interviewed during the weekend program, and from this interview process the University of Miami will nominate 7-10 finalists. The Stamps Scholarship finalists will participate in a second round of interviews where scholarship recipients will be approved by the founder of the award. In 2011, approximately 120 students interviewed for the Stamps Scholarship; 7 students were selected as finalists. From these finalists, 5 students were selected as Stamps Scholarship recipients.”</p>

<p>And I never saw the final stats for the Singer:
*Singer Scholarships awarded – In 2011, close to 350 students participated in interviews for the Singer Scholarship award. From these candidates, 67 were selected as Singer Scholarship recipients. Students are usually notified 2 weeks after the program. *</p>

<p>^Musicalme - I don’t think that the 67 recipients from 2011 were awarded 1/3 in each of the 3 sessions. There may have been more in session 2 say - just depends on the overall strength of the candidates and of course the interview.</p>

<p>KeyWest, I am not sure that information is accurate, although the general trend is correct. My D is a freshman Stamps scholar, and they have all gotten together a few times (including dinner at Mr. Stamps house!). There are 8 freshman in the Stamps program this year. Unless they expand the program this year, my guess (and it is only that) is that approximately 10 kids will be offered additional interviews with Mr. Stamps. But who knows, as the applicant pool becomes stronger, they could change things up. Time will tell.</p>

<p>Thank you…I guess I was just wondering: If they give out many Singers in the first weekend, does it decrease your chances of getting one the next weekend?</p>

<p>I’m fairly sure that they don’t pick people after each session, that they wait until all of them are over and then select the people regardless of session.</p>


Except for the Stamps invitees, this may be true. But for those of us who are Singer finalists and Stamps invitees, how will they know if we get to go on to the second (Stamps) interview? They’ll have to decide that day if we get the Singer and move on to Stamps opportunity or not.</p>

<p>Agree with SeekingUni here…, my D heard her result of the Singer/Stamps weekend two weeks after we went, which was before the 2nd and 3rd weekends even happened. So, at least for the 1st weekend, they do decide right away (or at least they did last year). Not sure if there is any kind of “quota” or guideline they go by as to how many might be awarded in each session - that’s insider stuff!</p>

<p>I found an old thread that talks a lot about some of what goes on during the weekend and a little bit on what the interviews are like: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Wishing all the best for you Singer/Stamps participants during this coming weekend. Enjoy your time on campus, in the warmth, in the sun, among the palm trees. Take advantage of all the activities - ask questions - be passionate - think positively. In other words, be yourselves!!

<p>Thanks Zinc! And thanks for all the help and guidance you’ve given over the past couple of years, you have no idea how much of an impact you’ve had on me and the rest of the forum :slight_smile: Only downside of the Stamps weekend is that the Miami-BC game happens smack dab in the middle of the interviews :P</p>

<p>I also want to wish everyone good luck this weekend! Many of you will meet my D. She is leading tours, conducting interviews and meeting with many of the candidates. I’m sure she’ll convey for love for the U. Hope the people on this thread get Stamps!</p>