Practice schedule for September ACT

<p>Hi, I posted this awhile ago, but I thought I'd post it again now that I have my ACT scores. I got a 28 with a 31 in english, 27 in math, 28 in reading, and a 25 in science. I scored lower than I expected in everything. I plan on retaking it for sure in September, and maybe in October. I honestly think it is very possible to get a 36 if you put the effort in. I will be shooting for a 34+. Can you guys comment/critique my schedule below? These are books that I will be purchasing (I own a couple):</p>

Barron's ACT 26
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Practice problems
ACT Red Book
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>PR 1,296
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Math prep</p>

<p>Ultimate Guide to the Math ACT
<a href=""&gt;;/a> (Goes over all concepts that I could possibly see on the test)</p>

<p>ACT Prep Red Book - 320 Math Problems With Solutions
<a href=""&gt;;/a> (Math practice and strategies)</p>

<p>Bob Miller's Math for the ACT
<a href=""&gt;;/a> (I'm not sure if it'd be a waste of money, but it's another book that goes over all the math concepts)</p>

<p>Science prep
500 ACT Science Questions to Know
<a href=""&gt;;/a> (Might or might not buy it. They just pushed the release date back to August... I know that McGraw-Hill is not the greatest, but this must be better than nothing.)</p>

<p>This could be overboard lol, I know. I just am really determined to get a high score. I will also be using release tests that are posted on CC, and I might buy a PR/Barron's math & science workbook. I know I can score a 36 in english and reading (if I get the timing down on reading). If I go slow and steady this summer and absorb all the information for math, I should be set, right? All that leaves is science. Hopefully Barron's ACT 36, practice tests, and maybe the 500 Science Questions will prepare me for science. I just get overwhelmed by science, though I know you don't need to know science. Is this a solid schedule? If I go though all these books and take released tests online should I be able to get a 34+ in September?</p>

<p>Also, is ACT for Brainiacs worth it even though I have Barron’s 36?</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I see that it’s from 2003, so maybe not…</p>

<p>Honestly, you really don’t need all of those books. You’ll spend more on test prep than the actual test! Try out some different websites - <a href=“”></a> is a good one. It has 7 free practice tests with essays and you can do it timed or untimed. I try to do both, working for real on the timed and then work through and develop strategies on the untimed that I can apply to the real test. Good luck, however you decide to prepare!
Also, for reading - it just helps to read a LOT. Anything you can get your hands on written at a high-ish level. I read the news every day and then summarized for 3 months leading up to my test and got a 35. I like to think it helped. :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for the site, that should be useful. I know that I am buying a lot of books, but all it can do is help, right? If I absorb all the math material and redo problems every couple days until I can do them, I should be able to get a 36, right?</p>

<p>Theoretically, yes, but sometimes the timing on the math portion can get you off. 60 questions in 60 minutes means that it is designed to go unfinished. Also, when you take the test for real you may be more apt to want to check and re-check your work so become confident in your answers and you’ll be better off.</p>

<p>@Ch1746 - You know getting a 36 is very unlikely no matter how much you study. It takes luck along with being prepared to get a 36. Realize that only 1100 tests scored a 36 out of 1.8 million last year. </p>

<p>Also know that a 33 puts you in the top 1% of ACT scores and a 30 puts you in the top 5%.</p>

<p>Shoot for a 36 but have a realistic view also.</p>