My son applied to their program in January (portal opened in December and deadline was March 1). An email to their precollege program resulted in an automatic response that states acceptances would be sent beginning March 18 in the order that the applications were received. A real response a few days later answered my question that students who were not accepted would also receive emails. It’s March 22, and he hasn’t received any emails. Anybody else still waiting who submitted earlier or later? Or anyone have experience in how long it would take to get notification either way?
Thanks for any information!
I went to the precollege program last summer and i just went back into my emails to see what date i received my acceptance. I received my acceptance on March 22, so i wouldn’t be too worried. Pratt is kinda disorganized. I applied to Pratt this year and all my friends have gotten their decisions and i’m still waiting for mine. I totally feel your frustration lol I hope your son gets in, i had a very great time!! 
Thank you for sharing that info! Do you remember if you applied early or closer to the deadline? And did you apply for precollege merit scholarship? Just wondering what the chances are for that. The program sounds very comprehensive, which I would love for him, but it’s also little more than we can afford, especially if he were to do housing too, so we are really hoping for the scholarship, and the fact that he hasn’t received any emails yet makes it seem like s scholarship is less likely, since the scholarship is also first come first serve and clearly, at this point, his application was not amongst the first to be received. I do appreciate knowing that it may be due to disorganization on their part. Good luck to you also. I hope you hear from them soon!
I applied early february, i don’t remember the due date but i believe i discovered the program pretty late. I believed i applied for a scholarship and did not receive one. It is quite expensive but i can guarantee it will give ur son the college experience, having a roomate and going to college level classes and meeting people who understand you!
Thanks for your quick reply! I really appreciate it. Hopefully he can get the scholarship. If not, maybe we can let him do the program but commute, so that we can save on the housing costs.
Best of luck to you!
So I decided to call them up and find out what happened, and a very nice woman answered my questions. Turns out that my son’s application was one of 15 that had technical errors and was flagged and she had the list in front of her. She said the review committee is aware of the error and she was doing everything she could to get it through and that it was no fault on our part. I guess I’ll still have to wait a couple more days, but at least now I know why.