Pre-Health majors: Internship deadline extended, but it is soon

<p>We have extended our deadline for applications for Project Health Internships! Please consider sending this incredible opportunity to you students! Project Health is a premier peer health education organization that has been recognized with awards at both the national and regional level in the past two years. This is truly a unique opportunity for students of all majors, ages, and background. In the past two years of the program’s growth, we have had over 50 students graduate and go on to graduate school, medical school, pharmacy school, dental school, and those not in post-grad education are employed! An internship with Project Health is an opportunity to develop and enhance students’ skills in oral and written communication, education, group dynamics, and leadership while allowing students to interact with a diverse population and learn more about health issues that directly affect college students. There are three internship opportunities: Health Advocacy, Health Ambassadors, and Health Hut. </p>

<p>Health Advocacy Interns are the voice of the people. They are here to help work on policies, campaigns, and events to help make not only the members of our campus healthier, but the campus itself! Advocates work on teams based on awareness weeks and other campaigns. For the fall, the advocates will work in the following teams: Rising Tide Student Tailgate and Alcohol Awareness Week, Smoke-Free Campus and the Great American Smoke out, Bike Safety, and World AIDS Day and Sexual Responsibility Week. The other hallmark of our advocates is in informal conversations with their peers about health. Advocates set a goal to talk to at least 5 people a week about our weekly topic and encourage them to learn more by visiting out resources and education opportunities on campus.</p>

<p>Health Ambassador Interns are traditional peer health educators - they develop and implement programs in our residence halls, table regularly with our Healthy Hump Day and around other national awareness weeks and months, and they spearhead our “Swagon” initiative, which is based off of the popular TV show Cash Cab.</p>

<p>Health Hut Interns work in our Hut doing outreach on a weekly basis about different health topics engaging visitors with games, activities, and crucial conversations.</p>

<p>Each position requires a commitment of FIVE hours per week, attending training the weekend of Aug. 23rd & 24th, regularly meetings on Sunday evenings, and participation in project health events throughout the year. Our students also have opportunities to attend conferences to help them grow as individuals, peer health educators, and to network with students and advisors from all over the country. Our students are able to get involved with marketing our programs, managing our website and social media, and star in our youtube videos. This is an excellent experience to not only build one’s resume but to truly serve your peers and improve the health and wellness of our campus.</p>

<p>Applications can be found online here: <a href=“”></a> and are due at 3pm on THURSDAY, APRIL 10th!</p>

<p>Interviews will be held the weekend of April 12th & 13th and applicants will receive more information regarding that process after we have received their application! If students have any questions, they can email us at <a href=“”></a>!</p>

<p>I sincerely hope that you share this opportunity with your students, we very rarely extend out deadlines for applicants!!</p>

Jessica Vickery</p>

<p>Jessica L. Vickery, MPH, CHES
Assistant Director, Health Education & Promotion | Advisor, Project Health & Health Hut
Alabama State Coordinator | The BACCHUS Network
Department of Health Promotion & Wellness | Student Health Center
The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Office: 205-348-7948 | Mobile: 205-614-2806
Russell Office: 205-348-5640</p>