<p>I will be a sophmore next year at Ohio State University. I am double majoring in Economics and Philosophy with intentions of going to law school. I'm looking for some sort of internship or research program in the legal field but I'm having some trouble. I came upon the University of Dreams program but it seems unreasonable to pay for an internship and then go back to school in the fall having made no money over the summer. If anyone has participated in a program like this and could provide feedback or have any other suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.</p>
<p>University of Dreams is the worst scam ever. Paying to work for someone is so utterly perverse as to be beneath rational discourse.</p>
<p>I figured as much and I appreciate the input. This summer i feel like I’m wasting three months by not getting involved in somthing that will help me in the future, such as internships or research programs, buy I’m not sure where to go to find these types of opportunites.</p>
<p>There are all sorts of opportunities out there - you just have to spend time finding them. Just like you have to spend time finding a job after college. Nobody walks up after graduation and says “here, you’re hired.” Searching for internship opportunities is great training for your eventual job search.</p>
<p>Edit: this summer? Well, yeah, you’re kind of late for this year. There might be some late-start stuff but that will be highly variable. Internships get advertised and filled in the spring. Make sure you prepare early next year for summer 2012.</p>