<p>Wellesley is one of my two top choices and I was wondering what the premed coursework and bio science coursework was like.
Is there a lot of competition between students? Are the courses stimulating?
anything else you'd like to add about Wellesley is appreciated.</p>
<p>There’s no set pre-med coursework per se; there’s just a set of courses people generally take to fulfill their pre-med reqs:
- a year of Bio (so 110 and 111)
- chem through orgo (so intro is either 105 and 205 or if you qualify, you can take the one semester-version of intro chem: 120; and orgo, 211 and 212)
- a year of physics (most take 104 and 106, but if you have higher level math/physics, you can take 107 and 108)
- whatever english course
<p>Competition is really what you make of it, regardless of what course you’re in. Yes, there will always be that girl who tries to bring everyone else down, but pretty much, the competition is with yourself. </p>
<p>Of course the courses are stimulating; it’s Wellesley after all 
Granted, how interesting intro bio is really depends on how much you’re interested in the subject.</p>
<p>thanks for the information.
how is the premed advising?</p>
<p>what were some of your favorite science courses at Wellesley?</p>
<p>i’m not actually pre-med, but there is a pre-med adviser at wellesley. you can get appointments with her pretty easily and there are always pre-med advisory meetings, panels with alums, panels with med school admissions people, etc. when you actually do your applications, a group of professors goes over everything so i think you’re definitely given a lot of guidance with applications. the pre-med adviser also keeps in touch with students who may be applying to med schools a few years after graduation.</p>
<p>favorite science courses…hmm… i really liked my intro chem course (which surprised me since i really did not like it in high school), and i loved all my physics courses. the physics department in general is really awesome, imo.</p>