<p>I’d like to go into Pre-med at BU, but I’m concerned about what happens if I don’t get into a medical school. So to start my questions:</p>
<p>1) What exactly can you do with a “Pre-Med” degree in the world?
2) Is Pre-Med even a major choice? On the BU site it is, but I see other students talk about it like it is a complimentary program to their major curriculum
3) As an alternative, could I double major in Pre-Med and something else, AND still have the distinct possibility of maintaining good grades? I never procrastinate and am pretty good with time management. The other major in question here is Physics.</p>
<p>Thanks, and any info is much appreciated</p>
<p>Hope people start looking at this if they see another post
<p>I’m also doing Pre-med, and would like to learn more about it. Any help would be appreciated! A question I would like to ask is do most pre-med students at BU get accepted to medical school? How good are the courses in preparing students for the MCATs?</p>
<p>Samsung8 - as far as I know, Pre-Med isn’t a major and is just something you call the path your on and the required classes you must take to be ready for the MCATs (a test Medical schools require). These classes are inorganic and organic chemistry, physics, bio, etc. I’m sure if you searched around a little you could find the pre-med requirements online. So you don’t exactly “major” in pre-med, you major in whatever you want and do a pre-med path along with it. </p>
<p>I’m majoring in Psych, so I probably won’t have much overlap between my pre-med courses and my required Psych courses. However, if I were taking Biology as my major, then many of my courses many overlap, such as the required bio course and possibly chem. But it doesn’t matter what you major in. You could major in Philosophy, do pre-med, and still go to med school as long as you had the requirements.</p>