Pre-Med Classes at Cal Poly vs. UCLA

My daughter is pre-med. Her final two choices are Cal Poly and UCLA. A major factor for deciding between the two is the quality of the lower division pre-med courses (e.g., chem, life sciences, physics, and calculus). My general understanding is that UCLA has prof-led lectures and TA-led discussions sessions. Cal Poly has prof-lectures, TA-led study sessions, and TA-led workshops. I wish I knew more. Can anyone provide a more detailed compare/contrast of the structure and/or quality of lower division pre-med courses at UCLA vs. Cal Poly? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks!

What major?

CP uses very few TAs. Why? No doctoral program to draw TAs from. As a result, most discussions and labs are run by instructors with terminal degrees.

@choroidal is the source for pre-med info. He can add some light to the subject.