Pre-Med Student debating between UC Santa Cruz and UCLA

So I recently was accepted into UCLA and UCSC, and waitlisted to UC Santa Barbara. While Santa Barbara is my dream school, there is no guarantee I will get off the waitlist so I must SIR to either UCSC or UCLA. I am a desiring pre-med student, but Im not sure where to go because I am scared my GPA will suffer at UCLA compared to UCSC. I love everything about UCLA, just skeptical about my ability to survive and be one of the kids who get weeded out of pre-med. While In high school I did receive a decent GPA (4.61), I was never the student who excelled or understood anything first time around, I am not the stand out of my class. However, I will admit that I am a hard worker and was always determined to excel at my high school and get the GPA I received by going the extra mile to stay up for 4 days in a row studying. I recently was admitted into UCLA, but kind of think I got lucky getting in, and may not survive with other brainiacs. But maybe its just my horrible lack of confidence… idk. I love UCSC for its laid back vibe and I think I can do well there GPA wise, the only part I am skeptical about is getting clinical experience/volunteering./shadowing due to the location… I am a shy girl, and dont necessarily fit in with all the braniancs. I feel like a lot of the smart people look down on me but are shocked when they see that I have the same GPA and grades as them, because I am not necessarily a “nerd” and I do party, and drink, and like fit the “brandy girl” stereotype…*** I KNOW I WONT BE ABLE TO DO ANY OF THOSE THINGS IN COLLEGE IF I WANT TO BE PRE MED AND I AM READY FOR THAT***** I am just scared I won’t like survive at UCLA because I am not a cut-throat type of person, more laid back, however I do want to finally break out my shell and finally mature, and become cut-throat. IDKKK… IM STRESSED!! Do I go to UCLA and grind it out and hopefully survive, or go to UCSC, more laid back, and get good GPA? ( Any UCSC pre- med students out there who can tell me if there is even enough opportunities for clinical volunteering/shadowing/research???) I am just a bundle of emotions and since I am out of school due to COVID 19 and in quarantine, I have no counselor or mentor to talk to, WHICH SUCKS!!! This probably was so confusing, but any advice on anything I just said lol? Any UCSC pre-med students out there who can tell me what its like? Or UCLA pre-med students? I know that med school will be hard, and might as well be prepared by going to UCLA and getting a feel for that, but a lot of doctors have told me it doesn’t matter what undergrad you go to, just find where you are happy! BUT IDK WHERE I WILL BE HAPPY!!!

@martinezserena17 . . . I’m guessing this will be moved to the UC board.

I could feel the angst in you post. It’ll be alright!

“Decent 4.61 gpa” is not decent. It’s outstanding."

“…stayed up for 4 days in a row studying.” I don’t recommend doing that anymore. When you get to college, you’ll have to allot your time better, as you stated that you’ll effectively study all the time (while not sleeping obviously). Even then…

No place will be easy for premed, neither UCSC, UCSB, nor UCLA. I’m thinking you still have a very good shot at SB, so if you can somehow bide your time from now until late April, maybe SB will send you an admittance letter. Otherwise, SC would be a good choice, but again, its bio majors will not be easy.

Or perhaps you can go into the social sciences or something and do the premed track. That way, at least you can save some of your all-out effort for chem, bio, etc, and a little less for the social sciences.

Just some thoughts; all the best.

What is your major?

Sounds to me like you’ll enjoy UCSC more. While it’s good to think long term, you should know that a lot of people who say they want to do med school, don’t end up going that route. Think about that as you choose your major. But also both are good schools, and you should think about where you will be happy spending the next four years. Your comfort, happiness, and sense of fit will go a long way toward ensuring your success in your classes.

As for opportunities outside of the classroom, you should be fine. Many of those can be in the summers, and there are plenty of those opportunities in the Bay Area. Those opportunities are the kind you will have to fight for no matter where you are, so just plan on doing that.

As for wanting to be more hard core or brainiac in order to survive med school, and choosing UCLA to hone those skills, I would not worry abut that. UCSC is not going to be easy - no UC is - and you will develop the skills you need wherever you go. Further, age and maturity will likely just naturally improve those things too.

Good luck.

THink about which school can the easiest land you top jobs.

The money label may be true in most cases but the aid office differs by school to school too. Like a state uni thats less competitive in terms of rank likely has a less financial aid package for you. School with higher ranking may has a higher financial aid for you and cancels more and left less in its amount.

Think about each’s national level ranking which affects tons.

Think about the location, which college is at the best location especially if you want to find a job there after four years.

gpa wont last long in terms of job field for only beginning years of applying fresh out of college

What will last is the name of your college in the long terms of jobs

OP wants to go to med school, so it will be a while before getting a job is an issue.
OP: You have been accepted at two fine schools. Both schools send multiple graduates to medical school annually.
However…pre-med is tough everywhere, and it’s up to you to take the right classes and get the right grades. Students tend to do better where they feel most comfortable-so attend the school which does that for you. Just keep in mind your goal, focus on that goal, and you will do well.


Hi! My major at UCSC is Proposed Biology B.S. and at UCLA, it is Prehuman Biology and Society B.S. At UCLA, my major consists as a mix of science and humanities, as I am looking into public health as well. Thank you so much for the advice!!

Good news and bad news, I suppose…

You are clearly a hard worker and that is a prerequisite for success. That said, you won’t be able to outwork the kids at UC; the ones that got in are pretty intelligent and many are also willing (or will be) to be hard-working. If the only thing that kept you ahead is working harder than your peers then that is not going to be the advantage it was before.

That said, there are things you can do. Many HS students were never taught how to study effectively. If you were doing things like re-reading the chapters before tests, looking thru your notes, and perhaps copying them out again, re-doing old homework assignments – you should know these are some of the least effective study techniques. This summer you should read thru the book “Make it Stick” which is written by scientists to explain what is known about the best learning techniques and has lots of tips for college students such as distributed practice and self-testing.

@mikemac Thanks for the book recommendation! I will forsure read it !!

The competition to get A’s at UCSC is likely easier than at UCLA. Getting mostly A’s is very important for medical school applicants. However, UCLA is #1 in producing the most medical school applicants. The other top UC’s (UCB, UCSD) are in the top 10 in medical school applicants. I recall recall UCSC is not in the top 30 or even 50 in producing medical school applicants. You can Google and get a lot of information. Other health profession sounds like a great backup plan.

I forgot to add: congrats in being accepted to UCLA and UCSC. It is a great accomplishment. Don’t sell yourself short.