<p>I know that i want to go pre-med, but i am also really interested in nutritional science. if i don’t end up as a doctor, I would like to be a dietician. is there any way i can major or minor in that program while still completing the pre-medical required coursework? is it impossible to major in something besides biology because of the time and credit restraints? Also, does it matter that this major is in a different “school” than the school I apply to, for biology majors?</p>
<p>I’m so confused.</p>
<p>PS - is it harder to get into the sargent school of heath sciences or the school of arts and sciences?</p>
<p>nutritional science major includes the pre-med requirements. it is part of the curriculum. that was my major originally for my first 2 yrs. i transferred into sargent from cas in november of my freshman year. they just needed to wait for my first semester grades which had to be above a 2.7 and i filled out a form. it was really easy to get into sargent. any major can be premed; being premed requires taking 1 year of bio, 1 year of gen chem, 1 year of orgo, 1 year of physics, and usually 1 year of math and 1 year of english/writing. you do have to choose a major in the college that you’re in; you can’t be a nutritional science major in cas or a biology major in sargent. but transferring in isn’t hard to do at all either. don’t stress it’ll all work out! check this site out for sargent too: [Health</a> Sciences | Academic Departments](<a href=“http://www.bu.edu/sargent/academics/health-sciences/bs-nutritional/curriculum/dietetics/]Health”>http://www.bu.edu/sargent/academics/health-sciences/bs-nutritional/curriculum/dietetics/) explore that site with the other majors and the pre-med options link that sargent has. let me know if you have any other questions!</p>