Hey! So I really want to major in music performance and maybe minor in something like Composition or a language. After undergrad, I really want to pursue a MD/JD joint degree. Is it possible to do this? Also, would it be possible to be in both pre law AND pre med? And what places might allow this?
My D is Dance major pursuing a BA and working on the prerequisites to apply to a DPT program (the requirements are similar to pre-med but without the Organic Chemistry). I would say majoring as a BA with either one of the programs would be doable especially with AP credits. I think going in as a BFA major would be difficult. I really don’t know what prerequisites are required for law school. One of your main challenges will be scheduling. Since your science/pre-law courses won’t be part of a degree program you may find getting all necessary classes scheduled a challenge. I would talk to the departments at some of the schools you are interested in and find out what they think. My guess is with Music Major/Composition minor/preMed/preLaw you can pick 3. The 4th would likely add time to your studies.
In principle, at a college that requires 32 courses for graduation, you could fulfill the ~15 required/recommended courses for pre-med while still including a music major (~10 courses) and a minor in a different field (~5 courses). Pre-law may require no specific courses. For greatest freedom in scheduling, you may want to look into schools with notably flexible curricula. If you are a very strong student, these could include Amherst, Hamilton, Grinnell, Brown and, if your username is not gender identifying, Smith.
Volume of courses for a music (or other) major can vary across different schools, so check carefully what it entails at each school.
You can major in anything and be pre-med. Former Apple executive and branding guru, Bozoma Saint John, (Wesleyan `99) was an English major while completing her pre-med requirements:
There is no such thing as a “pre law” major either. Just take a lot of classes involving writing and critical thinking.
Thanks @lvvcsf ! Since law school only requires a bachelors, I guess that would be a good way to go. Thanks!
Thanks! @merc81 I appreciate the recommendations! I’ll take a look at those for sure!
Thanks @ucbalumnus I will definitely check each school.
Thanks @circuitrider I do hope to pursue music for medicine/law.
Thanks @ThankYouforHelp I know very few schools have a pre law major, but not that I know of. There are programs that you can be associated with that would help the process.
http://lawschoolnumbers.com/application-prep/ugraduate may be helpful with respect to undergraduate choices for pre-law students.
No. How,would you do both at the same time?
What are you talking about? Getting into medical schools also ONLY requires a bachelors degree. But not the type YOU are planning. You seem to think that you can have three majors and two minors, or whatever.
Listen…you are a NINTH grader…right? I would suggest that you concentrate on getting tippy top grades, and a great SAT or ACT score now…and just figure out what you want to REALLY do in college.
Right now…you are all over the place…because you are too young to know any better.
I would suggest you shadow a doctor…and a lawyer…maybe they will tell you that it’s impossible to go to law and med school at the same time.
Here is some info from a friend about combined MD/JD programs. They do exist. They are 7-8 year programs with a hefty 7-8 year price tag for tuition. And the likelihood of working at the same time is zero. So it would be loans loans loans not only for the tuition part, but also any living expenses.
Having a double or triple major in undergrad school won’t matter as much as a HIGH GPA as well as high MCAT and LSAT scores.
If i we’re guessing, I would say this will cost someone who is in 9th grade NOW about $500,000-$750,000 or more to complete. And that doesn’t count undergrad school.
The above is my info. This quote below is from my friend.
Also, keep in mind that you don’t have to do everything at the same time. Do a really good job at what is in front of you and keep your dreams/goals in mind. My favorite extraordinary example is Stephen A Baccus. Look him up.
It’s good to have high goals for yourself, OP. Just be prepared to adjust your expectations as you move through high school and through your undergraduate degree(s). There’s a reason why people don’t do what you are proposing to do: it’s extremely difficult. Depending upon the school and program, even adding a minor adds at a least a semester to your 4 years. How much this is all going to cost is a consideration, if not for yourself, then at least for your parents.
While there is not proper “pre-med” undergraduate degree, medical schools are wanting you to have taken specific classes as an undergrad. Not sure how pursuing your stated major/minor are going to do that - lots of STEM classes, my friend. Again, no such thing as a degree in “pre-law”, but I’ve definitely heard that legal studies majors can get burned out on the law. @ThankYouforHelp suggested some good subjects to take.