<p>Just a quick question: how greatly is the diagnostic test going to affect which math class we're getting placed in? For example, I can place out of calc b/c of AP credit from BC calc, so will the test have an as great affect on where I get placed into math? </p>
<p>my understanding is that the whole point to the diagnostic test is that even students who have had calculus in high school are frequently weak in pre-calculus topics and may have problems if they go forward. This is unlikely to affect you if you made a 5 on the BC exam. But nonetheless, if you do not pass the diagnostic I would expect you to be placed in a course for people who need some review of precalc topics. There's a sample test somewhere online. (fwiw - my son also had a 5 on the BC exam and found the diagnostic to be trivial).</p>
<p>yeah... I think thats right! the test has no pass or fail, but the results are used to deteremine what physics class(and maybe others) would be best for you. And I don't think your performance on this test will actaully change anything you're required to do, just your advisor will suggest you based on your results.</p>