<p>Thanks guys... <3</p>

<p>Still haven't decided which one. e____e;</p>

<p>... Now, back to writing my essay.</p>

<p>GO to UCD!!
One less premed trying to throw the curve off at SD for me!!
Don't choose just for the academics since both are fairly prestigious for a premed education. Consider the fin. aid, environment and other factors since the academic prestige part is nearly the same. (Although SD is a bit higher!)</p>

<p>sutoroberrii, make the decision by your own, don't be affected too much(i can not say at all) by others' postings here(including my replies). their value is only for reference...</p>

<p>perhaps you already made your decision in your mind.</p>

<p>after your research and visits, choose the one you like more(even a little bit), cuz no one else knows you than yourself...</p>

<p>the good thing is both schools are great, so you can not choose wrong, tho i prefer ucsd rather than ucd -- i know many students chose ucd cuz they had to -- ucsd/ucsb/uci rejected them and ucd accepted them, which is not your case...</p>

<p>It is hard to get into a top med school if you attend any school below UCSD....</p>

<p>Research is key.</p>

<p>This thread and forum should be helpful (pre-med forum)
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Everyone that is picking UCSD over UCD is looking at overall rankings alone. UCD is the obvious choice in the field of Pre-Med. Seriously, I'm pretty sure the reason Davis is known is because of its high class Medicine program.</p>

<p>"Seriously, I'm pretty sure the reason Davis is known is because of its high class Medicine program."</p>

<p>Oh really? Is this "high class Medicine program" so much better than that of UCSD?
Let's consult 2008 rankings of US medical schools. In research, UCSD is ranked 14 while UCD is ranked 48. In primary care, UCSD is ranked 35 while UCD is ranked 26. There is no reason to suggest that Davis' medical school is superior to UCSD's, if at all.</p>

<p>Moreover, why does the medical school matter? You are attending either school as an undergraduate student. You have no classes with the med students and the medical school professors don't teach undergraduate courses. Essentially, you have no interactions with the medical school. The rare mingling between undergraduate students and the medical school on campus are volunteering and research. Since volunteering and research are both accessible for the OP at either schools in question, comparing medical schools of the UC's at an undergraduate level is completely irrelevant.</p>

<p>Tastybeef is right, med. school doesn't matter for undergraduate. (Although, UCD does beat UCSD in many categories.)</p>

<p>As far as undergraduate goes, UCSD is only a few spots above UCSD, which will likely be changing soon, so I wouldn't base your choice off of rankings. Visit the campuses.</p>

<p>"(Although, UCD does beat UCSD in many categories.)"</p>

<p>Would you care to explain more? Which categories are you referring to?</p>

<p>How about the one you mentioned?

In primary care, UCSD is ranked 35 while UCD is ranked 26.

It's also better in specific categories, such as "ear, nose, and throat related infections" etc. There's more specifics, but that wasn't even the point of this thread in the first place.</p>

<p>"It's also better in specific categories, such as "ear, nose, and throat related infections" etc. There's more specifics, but that wasn't even the point of this thread in the first place."</p>

<p>Oh. I thought you were referring to the undergraduate biology program. I was remotely interested in finding a biology undergraduate ranking system. Anyone know of one?</p>

<p>Is there a marked difference in percentage of students admitted to medical school? My impression is that most of the UC schools have admit percentages that are close to the national average, in the 50% range. Anyone have admission statistics?</p>


<p>I go for UCSD over UCD for Premed</p>

<p>No questions asked.</p>

I go for UCSD over UCD for Premed</p>

<p>No questions asked.


Wow, your excellent logic complete with a detailed explanation and reasoning should convince everyone! :D</p>