Prepaid Dorm-Beware of glitch in Housing Form!!

<p>My son was accepted ED for Summer B, and had to get his housing form (Resident Hall Agreement) in by January 23rd. His first year dormitory is already paid for via the Florida Prepaid program. We went online to fill out the form on Saturday, January 21st. Registering for a dorm for Summer B was no problem. Florida Prepaid does not cover Summer session, so the Confirmation instructed him to click on and print off an additional form, and send it in with a $200.00 deposit, postmarked before his deadline date. Got it done.</p>

<p>He had to fill out a separate Resident Hall Agreement for his Fall semester dorm. He was already marked "prepaid" for Fall semester, so when he finished up, the Confirmation page told him that it wasn't necessary to send in any money, because UF would bill Florida Prepaid for the $200.00 deposit. There were no other instructions. There was no additional form to click on and print off. It was a done deal, as far as we could tell.</p>

<p>THREE DAYS LATER (after his deadline), UF Housing sent him an e-mail entitled "Prepaid Housing Update", and asked him to fill out another form for Fall Term called "Prepaid Housing Agreement ID Form", and postmark it before his deadline, or he would lose his priority date!! Trouble is, the e-mail was sent out THE DAY AFTER HIS DEADLINE!!</p>

<p>I nearly freaked out! I called up there and talked to anyone who would talk to me. I talked to a very nice young guy, who told me that this is the first year they have registered for housing online. He admitted that there were a lot of glitches, and said he would look into it. Well, today I got the word. My son's priority date is still intact. I'm so relieved. </p>

<p>If you have Prepaid Dormitory, please be aware of this. The guy I talked to (the nice one), told me they were having a meeting that afternoon to work out some of the glitches, so they may have fixed the problem for the RD kids. I hope so. Good luck to everyone!

<p>I'm going through similar problems, with me not even recieving this second email. I called the office today and left a message with the supervisor, and if I lose Hume over this I'm gonna be ****ed as all hell.</p>


<p>Keep pestering the housing office to confirm you're okay and your priority date is intact. Once you fill out the housing form, it gets passed on to the "Accounts" people (that's what they told me). I waited a few days for them to receive the last form (the one we received after his deadline date). I had mailed it to them using overnight mail - Express Mail. </p>

<p>I called the housing office and pressed "0" to bypass all the recorded menu stuff on their phone. A person answered, and I asked for someone in Accounts. I asked the woman in Accounts what my son's priority date was, without giving her a lot of detail about the problem, and she told me the date. It was the original date, thank goodness. Be sure to have your UFID ready, because she'll ask for it. Good luck to you, and let us know how you make out!</p>
